ELAR 3.11
Composition: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--writing process. The student uses the writing process recursively to compose multiple texts that are legible and uses appropriate conventions. The student is expected to:
- (1) plan a first draft by selecting a genre for a
particular topic, purpose, and audience using a range of strategies such as
brainstorming, freewriting, and mapping;
- (A) develop drafts into a focused, structured, and coherent piece of writing by:
- (B) organizing with purposeful structure, including an
introduction and a conclusion; and
- (i) developing an engaging idea with relevant details;
- (ii) revise drafts to improve sentence structure and word choice by adding, deleting, combining, and rearranging ideas for coherence and clarity;
- (C) edit drafts using standard English conventions, including:
- (D) complete simple and compound sentences with subject-verb
- (i) past, present, and future verb tense;
- (ii) singular, plural, common, and proper nouns;
- (iii) adjectives, including their comparative and superlative forms;
- (iv) capitalization of official titles of people, holidays, and geographical names and places;
- (v) adverbs that convey time and adverbs that convey manner;
- (vi) prepositions and prepositional phrases;
- (vii) pronouns, including subjective, objective, and possessive cases;
- (viii) coordinating conjunctions to form compound subjects, predicates, and sentences;
- (ix) punctuation marks, including apostrophes in contractions and possessives and commas in compound sentences and items in a series; and
- (x) correct spelling of words with grade-appropriate orthographic patterns and rules and high-frequency words; and
- (xi) publish written work for appropriate audiences.
- Plus Plan
Parts of Speech Word Search – Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs, and Adverbs
Find and categorize nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs with this color by parts of speech worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Story Spine Porcupine – Narrative Writing Template
Print a narrative writing graphic organizer template designed to help students plan their narrative.
- Free Plan
The Writing Process - Black and White Version
A simple poster outlining the writing process.
- Plus Plan
Adverb Grammar Card Game - Flip It!
Reinforce your students understanding of adverbs with this fun card game.
- Plus Plan
Punctuation Bookmarks – Upper Grades
Help your students remember their punctuation rules by providing them with this bookmark for quick reference.
- Plus Plan
'Wheely' Wonderful Dialogue Tags Spinner
Spice up your students' writings and help them choose better dialogue tags with a ‘Wheely’ Wonderful Dialogue Tag Spinner.
- Plus Plan
Which Verb Is It? Worksheet
Practice past, present, and future verb tenses with this easy to implement worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Present and Past Tense Regular Verbs Matchup Cards
Learn about simple present tense and simple past tense of regular verbs with this match up activity.
- Plus Plan
Nouns, Verbs, and Adjectives Flashcards
Create a variety of grammar activities with printable noun, verb and adjective flashcards.
- Plus Plan
Contractions Matching Activity - Dog Bone and Bowl
Practice matching words with their contraction with this fun bone and bowl matching activity.
- Plus Plan
Contraction Bubbles Worksheet
Practice matching words to create contractions with this fun bubble-themed worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Nouns, Proper Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs and Conjunctions Posters
Enhance student understanding of the 8 parts of speech with these colorful, informative, and easily-referenced grammar wall posters for the classroom covering nouns, verbs and more!
- Plus Plan
Phoneme Find - N, NN & KN - Spelling Game
Decide when to spell words with n, nn, kn to spell the /n/ sound with an engaging Interactive Phonics Activity!
- Plus Plan
Coordinating Conjunctions Dice Game
Use this hands on activity for students to create two 8 sided-dice and write compound sentences using coordinating conjunctions.
- Plus Plan
FANBOYS Poster for Teaching Coordinating Conjunctions
Display this grammar poster in your classroom to help students choose appropriate coordinating conjunctions using the acronym FANBOYS.
- Plus Plan
Halloween Grammar Practice Worksheets - Apostrophe Practice
Practice using apostrophes of possession and in contractions with a set of spooktacular Halloween Apostrophe worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Inflectional Endings - Spelling with Suffixes Worksheets
Spell words with the inflectional endings -ed, -ing, -s, -es and -ies with a pack of printable practice worksheets covering inflected endings.
- Plus Plan
Sort the Suffixes - Inflectional Endings Worksheets
Practice using the suffixes -s, -es, -ies and -ves with a pack of printable add-a-suffix worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Prefix Mini-Anchor Charts
Give your students a visual reminder of the meanings of 36 different prefixes with a printable set of miniature prefix anchor charts.
- Plus Plan
Prefix Puzzles - Printable Reading Center
Grow your students’ vocabularies with an engaging prefix puzzle activity.
- Plus Plan
Parts of Speech - Color by Code Worksheet
Follow the color code to reveal the mystery image with a fun color-by-code worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Wheely Wonderful Words – Overused Verbs
Get rid of those overused verbs with a word wheel of synonyms.
- Plus Plan
Parts of Speech Word Search – Nouns, Adjectives, and Verbs – Worksheet
A word search where students find and categorize nouns, adjectives and verbs.
- Plus Plan
ARMS and COPS Writing and Editing Posters and Checklists
Encourage your students to proofread and edit their writing using the C.O.P.S. and A.R.M.S acronym with a pair of printable writing anchor charts.
- Free Plan
Writing Singular Possessive Nouns Worksheet
Practice writing singular possessive nouns with a possessive worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Prepositions Practice Worksheet
Use prepositions and prepositional phrases to describe the location with a prepositional phrase worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Glorious Grammar Volume 1 Workbook
50 activities in one booklet which all revolve around learning grammar in the classroom.
- Plus Plan
Fall Parts of Speech Sort - Nouns Verbs Adjectives
Review three parts of speech by sorting nouns, verbs, and adjectives with a parts of speech sorting activity.
- Plus Plan
Grammar TVs - Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs, Pronouns, Common Nouns, and More
Teach your students about nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, common nouns, and more parts of speech with a fun set of tv-themed parts of speech posters.
- Plus Plan
Comparative and Superlative Adjectives Interactive Puzzles
Provide your students with engaging, interactive activities to help them improve their usage of comparative and superlative adjectives.
- Plus Plan
Pumpkin Parts of Speech Worksheets
Review three parts of speech by sorting nouns, verbs, and adjectives with these four pumpkin-themed cut-and-paste worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Google Slides - Adjectives Interactive Activity
Provide your students with engaging, interactive activities to help them improve their usage of descriptive adjectives.