ELAR 3.2
Developing and sustaining foundational language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking--beginning reading and writing. The student develops word structure knowledge through phonological awareness, print concepts, phonics, and morphology to communicate, decode, and spell. The student is expected to:
- (1) demonstrate and apply phonetic knowledge by:
- (A) decoding multisyllabic words with multiple
sound-spelling patterns such as eigh, ough, and en;
- (i) decoding multisyllabic words with closed syllables; open syllables; VCe syllables; vowel teams, including digraphs and diphthongs; r-controlled syllables; and final stable syllables;
- (ii) decoding compound words, contractions, and abbreviations;
- (iii) decoding words using knowledge of syllable division patterns such as VCCV, VCV, and VCCCV with accent shifts;
- (iv) decoding words using knowledge of prefixes;
- (v) decoding words using knowledge of suffixes, including how they can change base words such as dropping e, changing y to i, and doubling final consonants; and
- (vi) identifying and reading high-frequency words from a research-based list;
- (vii) demonstrate and apply spelling knowledge by:
- (B) spelling multisyllabic words with closed syllables; open
syllables; VCe syllables; vowel teams, including digraphs and diphthongs;
r-controlled syllables; and final stable syllables;
- (i) spelling homophones;
- (ii) spelling compound words, contractions, and abbreviations;
- (iii) spelling multisyllabic words with multiple sound-spelling patterns;
- (iv) spelling words using knowledge of syllable division patterns such as VCCV, VCV, and VCCCV;
- (v) spelling words using knowledge of prefixes; and
- (vi) spelling words using knowledge of suffixes, including how they can change base words such as dropping e, changing y to i, and doubling final consonants;
- (vii) alphabetize a series of words to the third letter; and
- (C) write complete words, thoughts, and answers legibly in cursive leaving appropriate spaces between words.
- (A) decoding multisyllabic words with multiple
sound-spelling patterns such as eigh, ough, and en;
- Plus Plan
Football Vowel Teams Worksheets
Practice reading and spelling words using vowel teams with a set of fun Football themed phonics worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Valentine's Day Homophones Task Cards
Practice identifying and using different homophones with Valentine’s Day task cards!
- Plus Plan
OW Sound Spelling Patterns- SCOOT! Task Cards
Explore words containing spelling patterns that make the "ow " sound with a game of SCOOT!
- Plus Plan
Long OO Spelling Patterns - SCOOT! Task Cards
Explore words containing spelling patterns that make the “long oo” sound with a game of SCOOT!
- Plus Plan
Words with OO - SCOOT! Task Cards
Identify the long and short "oo" sound in one- and two-syllable words with a game of SCOOT!
- Plus Plan
Spelling OI and OY Words - SCOOT! Task Cards
Explore words containing graphemes that make the diphthong “oi” with this active classroom game that will get your students moving!
- Plus Plan
Spelling the Short OO Sound - SCOOT! Task Cards
Learn to spell words with OO sounds with this active short OO Scoot! Game
- Free Plan
Decoding Strategy Poster Pack
Display different decoding strategies in the classroom with this printable poster pack.
- Plus Plan
Holiday and Christmas Anagram Worksheets
Spice up your word study centers with a holiday-inspired set of anagram worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Word Study List — Double Consonant Words
Introduce and explore double letters in words with a list of 50 double-lettered words.
- Plus Plan
Word Study List - Prefix Words
Introduce and explore common prefixes with this extensive list of words.
- Plus Plan
Word Study List - Suffixes
Introduce and explore common suffixes with this extensive list of words.
- Plus Plan
Word Study List — Final Stable Syllable
Introduce and explore multisyllable words with a list of final stable syllable words.
- Plus Plan
Read and Write Compound Words Worksheet
Read and write compound words with a set of fill-in and cut and paste worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Match and Write Compound Words - Worksheet
Match and write to form compound words with a compound word worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Digraph Activity - Monster Mash Sort
Build phonemic awareness with a printable digraph sorting activity.
- Plus Plan
Compound Words Cut and Paste - Worksheet
Cut, paste, and write to form open and closed compound words with a word-building worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Independence Day ABC Order Worksheet
Support your students in reviewing the vocabulary and concepts surrounding the Independence Day holiday with this fun ABC Order Worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Contractions for Kids - Interactive Activity
Encourage growth in spelling and writing conventions with a Contractions for Kids Google Interactive.
- Plus Plan
Apostrophes in Contractions Teaching Presentation
Teach your students to use apostrophes to form contractions with an Apostrophe teaching presentation.
- Plus Plan
Columbus Day ABC Sort
Review the vocabulary and concepts surrounding the Columbus Day holiday with this fun ABC Order Worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Constitution Day Worksheet - ABC Order
Support your students in reviewing the vocabulary and concepts surrounding Constitution Day with this worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Memorial Day ABC Sort
Review terms surrounding Memorial Day with an alphabetical order worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Election Day Alphabetical Order Worksheet
Review terms surrounding Election Day with an alphabetical order worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Presidents' Day ABC Sort
Review vocabulary and terms surrounding the Presidents' Day holiday with an ABC Order Worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Google Slides Interactive - Abbreviations Activity
Engage and excite your learners with a Google Interactive designed to teach the most common abbreviations in the English language.
- Plus Plan
Prefixes Interactive Teaching Presentation
Teach your students to correctly identify, define, and spell words that include common prefixes with an interactive teaching presentation.
- Plus Plan
Multisyllable Words Worksheets
Build multisyllable word decoding skills with a Science of Reading based worksheet pack.
- Plus Plan
Google Slides Interactive - Alphabetizing to the 3rd Letter Activity
Practice alphabetizing to the third letter with this Google Slides interactive clip card activity.
- Plus Plan
Contractions Dominoes
Build vocabulary and spelling skills and have fun with contraction word games.
- Plus Plan
Abbreviations Dominoes
Build vocabulary and spelling skills and have fun with abbreviation word games.
- Plus Plan
Abbreviations I Have Who Has
Encourage reading and spelling abbreviations skills with a lively classroom game of I Have, Who Has?