ELAR 4.11
Composition: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--writing process. The student uses the writing process recursively to compose multiple texts that are legible and uses appropriate conventions. The student is expected to:
- (1) plan a first draft by selecting a genre for a
particular topic, purpose, and audience using a range of strategies such as
brainstorming, freewriting, and mapping;
- (A) develop drafts into a focused, structured, and coherent piece of writing by:
- (B) organizing with purposeful structure, including an
introduction, transitions, and a conclusion; and
- (i) developing an engaging idea with relevant details;
- (ii) revise drafts to improve sentence structure and word choice by adding, deleting, combining, and rearranging ideas for coherence and clarity;
- (C) edit drafts using standard English conventions, including:
- (D) complete simple and compound sentences with subject-verb
agreement and avoidance of splices, run-ons, and fragments;
- (i) past tense of irregular verbs;
- (ii) singular, plural, common, and proper nouns;
- (iii) adjectives, including their comparative and superlative forms;
- (iv) capitalization of historical periods, events, and documents; titles of books; stories and essays; and languages, races, and nationalities;
- (v) adverbs that convey frequency and adverbs that convey degree;
- (vi) prepositions and prepositional phrases;
- (vii) pronouns, including reflexive;
- (viii) coordinating conjunctions to form compound subjects, predicates, and sentences;
- (ix) punctuation marks, including apostrophes in possessives, commas in compound sentences, and quotation marks in dialogue; and
- (x) correct spelling of words with grade-appropriate orthographic patterns and rules and high-frequency words; and
- (xi) publish written work for appropriate audiences.
- Plus Plan
Parts of Speech - Color by Code Worksheet
Follow the color code to reveal the mystery image with a fun color-by-code worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Wheely Wonderful Words – Overused Verbs
Get rid of those overused verbs with a word wheel of synonyms.
- Plus Plan
ARMS and COPS Writing and Editing Posters and Checklists
Encourage your students to proofread and edit their writing using the C.O.P.S. and A.R.M.S acronym with a pair of printable writing anchor charts.
- Plus Plan
All About Sloths - Animal Research Project Instructional Slides
Use an animated instructional slide deck to guide your students through a sloth research project!
- Free Plan
Writing Singular Possessive Nouns Worksheet
Practice writing singular possessive nouns with a possessive worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Prepositions Practice Worksheet
Use prepositions and prepositional phrases to describe the location with a prepositional phrase worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Glorious Grammar Volume 1 Workbook
50 activities in one booklet which all revolve around learning grammar in the classroom.
- Plus Plan
Comparative and Superlative Adjectives Interactive Puzzles
Provide your students with engaging, interactive activities to help them improve their usage of comparative and superlative adjectives.
- Plus Plan
Pumpkin Parts of Speech Worksheets
Review three parts of speech by sorting nouns, verbs, and adjectives with these four pumpkin-themed cut-and-paste worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Google Slides - Adjectives Interactive Activity
Provide your students with engaging, interactive activities to help them improve their usage of descriptive adjectives.
- Plus Plan
4th Grade Writing Worksheets: Tornado Text-Based Writing
Enhance your students' comprehension, vocabulary, and writing skills using 4th Grade writing worksheets and a high-interest reading passage about Tornadoes.
- Plus Plan
Color-by-Code Parts of Speech- Back to School Worksheet
Use this color by part of speech worksheet as a back to school activity with your students.
- Plus Plan
Mars vs. Earth - Differentiated Paired Passage Worksheets
Learn about the planets with differentiated compare and contrast passages, activities, and writing opportunities.
- Plus Plan
Is/Are Subject Verb Agreement Worksheet
Provide students with additional subject-verb agreement practice with a worksheet focusing on using is and are correctly.
- Plus Plan
Has/Have Subject Verb Agreement Worksheet
Provide students with additional subject-verb agreement practice with a worksheet focusing on using has and have correctly.
- Plus Plan
Do/Does Subject Verb Agreement Worksheet
Provide students with additional subject-verb agreement practice with a worksheet focusing on using DO and DOES correctly.
- Plus Plan
Was/Were Subject Verb Agreement Worksheet
Provide students with additional subject-verb agreement practice with a worksheet focusing on using was and were correctly
- Plus Plan
Google Slides Interactive- Past, Present, and Future Verbs Activity
Develop student skills using the correct forms of past, present, and future tense verbs with this Google Slides Interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Grammar Grid Mystery Picture Worksheet-Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives
Follow the color-coded parts of speech guide to fill in the word grid and reveal a mystery image.
- Plus Plan
Informative Writing Checklist – Structure, Language, and Features
A checklist for students to use when proofreading and editing their informative writing.
- Plus Plan
Spot the Prepositional Phrase – Task Cards
Identify the prepositional phrase within a sentence with this set of 16 task cards.
- Free Plan
Brainstorming Template - A Favorite Memory With...
A template for brainstorming favorite memories.
- Plus Plan
Editing Checklist
Help your students with the editing process with this editing checklist.
- Plus Plan
Everyday Grammar Capitalization and Punctuation Warm-Ups – Grades 3 and 4 Interactive PowerPoint
An engaging 44 slide interactive PowerPoint to use in the middle grades classroom when learning about grammar and punctuation.
- Plus Plan
4 Star Writing Poster and Checklist Sheet
Is your writing 4 star writing? Ensure your students are double checking their work with these four stars.
- Plus Plan
Grammar Worksheet Pack – Lower Elementary
Review different parts of speech with this worksheet pack.
- Plus Plan
Punctuation Worksheet Pack - Upper Grades
A set of 6 worksheets to reinforce punctuation in the upper grades.
- Plus Plan
Plural Noun Anchor Charts - Posters
Help children grasp the tricky concept of pluralizing nouns by displaying these 8 plural noun anchor chart posters.
- Plus Plan
Successful Sentences – Sentence Construction Cards
Word cards for constructing complex sentences.
- Plus Plan
Punctuation Worksheets - Upper Elementary
Punctuation worksheets with examples and definitions to help your students learn.
- Plus Plan
Paragraph Study Grammar Interactive PowerPoint
Interactive PowerPoint presentation allowing students to learn and review grammar by highlighting paragraphs.
- Free Plan
Common and Proper Nouns - Sorting Task
Practice differentiating between common and proper nouns with this sorting activity.