ELAR 4.11
Composition: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts--writing process. The student uses the writing process recursively to compose multiple texts that are legible and uses appropriate conventions. The student is expected to:
- (1) plan a first draft by selecting a genre for a
particular topic, purpose, and audience using a range of strategies such as
brainstorming, freewriting, and mapping;
- (A) develop drafts into a focused, structured, and coherent piece of writing by:
- (B) organizing with purposeful structure, including an
introduction, transitions, and a conclusion; and
- (i) developing an engaging idea with relevant details;
- (ii) revise drafts to improve sentence structure and word choice by adding, deleting, combining, and rearranging ideas for coherence and clarity;
- (C) edit drafts using standard English conventions, including:
- (D) complete simple and compound sentences with subject-verb
agreement and avoidance of splices, run-ons, and fragments;
- (i) past tense of irregular verbs;
- (ii) singular, plural, common, and proper nouns;
- (iii) adjectives, including their comparative and superlative forms;
- (iv) capitalization of historical periods, events, and documents; titles of books; stories and essays; and languages, races, and nationalities;
- (v) adverbs that convey frequency and adverbs that convey degree;
- (vi) prepositions and prepositional phrases;
- (vii) pronouns, including reflexive;
- (viii) coordinating conjunctions to form compound subjects, predicates, and sentences;
- (ix) punctuation marks, including apostrophes in possessives, commas in compound sentences, and quotation marks in dialogue; and
- (x) correct spelling of words with grade-appropriate orthographic patterns and rules and high-frequency words; and
- (xi) publish written work for appropriate audiences.
- Plus Plan
Brainstorming Task Cards
A set of 24 task cards to practice the brainstorming techniques of drawing a picture, creating a mind map, and making a list.
- Plus Plan
Collective Nouns Memory Game
Practice identifying collective nouns with a set of 30 match-up cards.
- Plus Plan
Comical Chronicle Worksheets for 4th Grade
Practice different parts of speech with your 4th graders using this set of 10 ad-lib style stories.
- Plus Plan
Grade 4 Daily Warm-Up – PowerPoint 2
A 72-slide PowerPoint presentation containing a variety of quick warm-up activities.
- Plus Plan
Brainstorming Template - A Time That I Felt...
A template for brainstorming times associated with specific feelings.
- Plus Plan
Brainstorming Template - A Time I Had a Problem With...
A template for brainstorming times there has been a problem.
- Plus Plan
Writing Biographical Texts PowerPoint
A 29-slide, editable PowerPoint template to use when teaching older students about the structure and language features of biographical texts.
- Plus Plan
Active Learning Guide for Grades 4-5 - Week 4
Use this weekly active learning guide to celebrate National Physical Fitness Month in your Grade 4 or Grade 5 classroom.
- Plus Plan
Active Learning Guide for Grades 4-5 - Week 3
Use this weekly active learning guide to celebrate National Physical Fitness Month in your Grade 4 or Grade 5 classroom.
- Plus Plan
Mind Map Template – Octopus
A printable mind map to use when planning ideas with your students.
- Plus Plan
Active Learning Guide for Grades 4-5 - Week 2
Use this weekly active learning guide to celebrate National Physical Fitness Month in your Grade 4 or Grade 5 classroom.
- Plus Plan
Mind Map Template – Brain
A printable mind map template for students to use when gathering thoughts and ideas.
- Plus Plan
Active Learning Guide for Grades 4-5 - Week 1
Use this weekly active learning guide to celebrate National Physical Fitness Month in your Grade 4 or Grade 5 classroom.
- Plus Plan
Grade 4 Daily Warm-Up – PowerPoint 1
A 70-slide PowerPoint presentation containing a variety of quick warm-up activities.
- Plus Plan
Write Your Inaugural Address
A template for students to plan and write an inaugural Presidential Address.
- Plus Plan
Biography Research Template
A research template for older students to use when writing a biography.
- Plus Plan
Biography Writing Checklist – Structure, Language, and Features
A checklist for students to use when proofreading and editing their biography writing.
- Plus Plan
Persuasive Writing Bump It Up Wall – Grade 4
Help your 4th-grade students "bump up" their persuasive writing with this bulletin board display.
- Free Plan
Parts of Speech Flip Book
A flip book to use when learning about parts of speech.
- Plus Plan
Inauguration Day – Comprehension Task
A comprehension task paired with a text about Inauguration Day.
- Plus Plan
Proper Nouns Crossword Puzzle - Worksheet
A crossword researching different proper nouns.
- Plus Plan
Color Adjectives - Worksheet
A worksheet activity designed to help prompt students to be more descriptive when describing nouns with colors.
- Plus Plan
Stick Person Graphic Organizer
A simple and effective graphic organizer that can be used for a wide range of purposes including note taking, mind mapping, and planning writing responses.
- Plus Plan
Apostrophe of Possession Card Game
An interactive card game for students to play to reinforce their understanding of the apostrophe of possession.
- Plus Plan
Collective Nouns Worksheet
Use this worksheet to review collective nouns with 8 fill-in-the-blank sentences and an accompanying word bank.
- Plus Plan
Persuasive Planning Template – Castle
Plan a persuasive text with this castle planning template.
- Plus Plan
Concrete Poem Template – Thunderstorm
A template for students to write a concrete poem about a thunderstorm.
- Plus Plan
Concrete Poem Template – Crescent Moon
A template for students to write a concrete poem about the moon.
- Plus Plan
Concrete Poem Template – Recycling
A template for students to write a concrete poem about recycling.
- Plus Plan
Perfect Tense Verbs Worksheet
A series of three worksheets that contain passages written in the past, present, and future perfect tenses.
- Plus Plan
Irregular Verbs Relay
An active relay race game in which students spell out irregular verbs.
- Plus Plan
Irregular Past Tense Verbs Worksheet
A worksheet that helps students identify irregular verbs.