ELAR 5.6
Comprehension skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student uses metacognitive skills to both develop and deepen comprehension of increasingly complex texts. The student is expected to:
- (1) establish purpose for reading assigned and
self-selected texts;
- (A) generate questions about text before, during, and after reading to deepen understanding and gain information;
- (B) make, correct, or confirm predictions using text features, characteristics of genre, and structures;
- (C) create mental images to deepen understanding;
- (D) make connections to personal experiences, ideas in other texts, and society;
- (E) make inferences and use evidence to support understanding;
- (F) evaluate details read to determine key ideas;
- (G) synthesize information to create new understanding; and
- (H) monitor comprehension and make adjustments such as re-reading, using background knowledge, asking questions, and annotating when understanding breaks down.
- Plus Plan
Novel Study – Making Predictions Worksheet
A worksheet to assist students in making predictions before reading a novel.
- Plus Plan
Novel Study – Points of View Worksheet
Analyze the points of view of opposing characters in a literary text with this set of three worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Novel Study – Character Map Worksheet
Explore and analyze the characters in your class novel with this set of three worksheets.
- Plus Plan
K-9ine the Robot Dog - Comprehension Worksheet
A comprehension worksheet paired with a persuasive magazine advertisement.
- Plus Plan
Digital Warriors: Social Footprints – Comprehension Worksheet
A comprehension worksheet paired with a comic about being safe when sharing photos on digital platforms.
- Plus Plan
Comic – Healthy Body, Healthy Mind: Find Your Sport – Comprehension Worksheet
A comprehension worksheet paired with a comic about all types of sports.
- Plus Plan
First But Not Last – Comprehension Task
An article about historic women paired with a comprehension task.
- Plus Plan
Grade 5 Magazine - "What's Buzzing?" (Issue 1) Task Cards
A set of five literacy rotation task cards to be used in conjunction with issue 1 of Teach Starter's Grade 5 magazine.
- Plus Plan
Reading Response Template – Questioning
A reading response template for students to ask questions about a piece of text.
- Plus Plan
Reading Response Template – Visualizing
A reading response template for students to visualize a piece of text.
- Plus Plan
Springtime Blooms – Comprehension Task
An article about springtime blooms and festivals paired with a comprehension task.
- Plus Plan
New Year's Celebrations - Comprehension Worksheet
Learn about the origins of New Year’s celebrations with our informational text and comprehension questions worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Martin Luther King, Jr. - Comprehension Task
Apply a range of reading comprehension strategies to learn about Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Plus Plan
Inspirational Women Profiles Poster Pack
A set of 7 posters profiling inspirational women from around the world.
- Free Plan
Inspirational Woman Profile: Malala Yousafzai – Comprehension Worksheet
A comprehension task to use when learning about Malala Yousafzai.
- Plus Plan
Inspirational Woman Profile: Dr. Mae Jemison – Comprehension Worksheet
Review our profile on the first Black woman astronaut and answer questions to reinforce understanding.
- Plus Plan
Valentines Around the World – Comprehension Worksheet
Explore five global Valentine’s Day traditions with this informational text and comprehension questions activity.
- Plus Plan
Inspirational Woman Profile: Jessica Watson – Comprehension Worksheet
A comprehension task to use when learning about Jessica Watson.
- Plus Plan
Human Histories: Amazing Achievements - Comprehension Worksheet
A comprehension worksheet paired with a biographical text about four humans who have achieved great things.
- Plus Plan
The Firefighter Story – International Women's Day
A story and worksheet that explores issues regarding female gender stereotypes.
- Plus Plan
Black History Profile Poster Pack for the Classroom
Print a Black History poster pack for the classroom, to introduce your students to revered Black icons and the impacts their contributions have made to American history.
- Plus Plan
Comprehension - Public Speaking Day
A comprehension activity using a narrative about public speaking.
- Plus Plan
Comprehension - The Great Wall of China
A comprehension activity about The Great Wall of China.
- Plus Plan
SQ3R Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review Poster
A poster highlighting the SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review) reading strategy.
- Plus Plan
Making Predictions - Recording Card
A template for students to make predictions with a piece of text.
- Plus Plan
QR Code Reading Comprehension Strategy Question Cubes
A set of QR code question cubes to use when working with reading comprehension strategies.
- Plus Plan
Comprehension - Creepy Cat Club
A fun script and set of questions to help students develop reading and comprehension strategies.
- Plus Plan
Comprehension - Dog Park Days
A fun script and set of questions to help students develop reading and comprehension strategies.
- Plus Plan
Comprehension - Hansel, Gretel and Nancy
A fun script and set of questions to help students develop reading and comprehension strategies.
- Plus Plan
Comprehension - Jesting Archaeologist
A fun script and set of questions to help students develop reading and comprehension strategies.
- Plus Plan
Comprehension - 45th Annual Acting Awards
A fun script and set of questions to help students develop reading and comprehension strategies.
- Plus Plan
Comprehension - Science Experiment
A fun script and set of questions to help students develop reading and comprehension strategies.