ELAR 5.7
Response skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student responds to an increasingly challenging variety of sources that are read, heard, or viewed. The student is expected to:
- (1) describe personal connections to a variety of
sources, including self-selected texts;
- (A) write responses that demonstrate understanding of texts, including comparing and contrasting ideas across a variety of sources;
- (B) use text evidence to support an appropriate response;
- (C) retell, paraphrase, or summarize texts in ways that maintain meaning and logical order;
- (D) interact with sources in meaningful ways such as notetaking, annotating, freewriting, or illustrating;
- (E) respond using newly acquired vocabulary as appropriate; and
- (F) discuss specific ideas in the text that are important to the meaning.
- Free Plan
Paired Passage Worksheets-Mammals vs. Reptiles
Compare mammals vs. reptiles and add to your reading instruction with leveled nonfiction, compare and contrast passages and worksheets.
- Free Plan
Boston Tea Party - RACES Writing Strategy Worksheet
Integrate reading, writing, and American history with a worksheet about the Boston Tea Party using the RACES writing strategy for text evidence.
- Free Plan
Lewis and Clark Expedition - RACES Writing Strategy Worksheets
Practice using the RACES writing strategy for text evidence with a Lewis and Clark Passage, graphic organizer, and worksheet.
- Free Plan
Should Smartphones Be Allowed in Class? Comprehension Worksheets
Decide if cellphones should be allowed in class and boost comprehension skills with a reading passage and comprehension test.
- Plus Plan
Note-Taking Practice Worksheets
Use this set of note-taking practice worksheets to help your students identify key facts, details and vocabulary when researching information.
- Free Plan
Design Your Own Book Cover Worksheet
Design a new book cover and summarise a book using this one-page, printable template.
- Plus Plan
The Olympic Games - Reading Comprehension Task
Encourage students to apply a range of comprehension and writing skills when finding out interesting fun facts about the Olympics with a printable reading comprehension worksheet pack.
- Free Plan
Reading Response Template – Inferring and Predicting
Guide your students to make inferences and predictions with a piece of text using the one-page template.
- Free Plan
Making Connections Graphic Organizer
A graphic organizer for students to record text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world connections.
- Free Plan
Note-taking Graphic Organizer
A graphic organizer for students to use when taking notes.
- Free Plan
S.W.B.S.T. Summarizing Graphic Organizer
Use this printable SWBST strategy graphic organizer with students to write a summary for a fictional piece of text.
- Plus Plan
Summarizing a Story Graphic Organizers
Help students remember the fundamentals of summarizing a story with this set of fun graphic organizers.
- Free Plan
Making Connections Worksheet
Practice making connections while reading a piece of text with this graphic organizer.
- Plus Plan
Making Text Connections Graphic Organizer (Grades 3-6)
A graphic organizer to use with students when making connections with a piece of text.
- Free Plan
Inspirational Woman Profile: Yuna Kim – Comprehension Worksheet
A comprehension task to use when learning about Yuna Kim.
- Plus Plan
Before, During, and After Reading Fiction - Question Prompts
Question prompts and a worksheet to use when asking questions before, during, and after reading.
- Plus Plan
How to Summarize Fiction Mini Book
Explore the important factors of summarizing a fiction text with this student mini-book.
- Plus Plan
Plant and Animal Adaptations - Comprehension Worksheets
Boost reading comprehension skills with a comprehension passage, with questions, about structural, behavioral and physiological adaptations.
- Free Plan
Poetry Terms - Word Wall Display
Display and discuss terms related to poetry and figurative language with a set of 30 word wall cards.
- Plus Plan
Reading Comprehension Worksheets-King Midas and the Golden Touch Google Interactive and Printable Resources
Review and practice multiple reading skills using the text “King Midas and the Golden Touch” with these digital and print resources.
- Plus Plan
Reading Response Templates - Complete Journal
A reading response journal for students to use to engage with text in meaningful and purposeful ways.
- Plus Plan
Comprehension Strategies – Interactive PowerPoint
An engaging 44 slide interactive PowerPoint to use in the classroom when introducing comprehension strategies.
- Plus Plan
Rio de Janeiro - Reading Comprehension Activities
Take your students on a trip to Rio de Janeiro with an engaging reading comprehension worksheet and Carnival Mask activity.
- Plus Plan
R.A.C.E.S. Writing Strategy Bulletin Board Display
Help your students write quality constructed responses by displaying your printable R.A.C.E.S. Writing Strategy bulletin board display.
- Plus Plan
Summarizing Fiction Task Cards
Guide students along their summarizing journey with this set of Fiction texts on task cards for students to summarize.
- Plus Plan
Summarizing Fiction Poster Set
Help students remember what to include in a summary of a fiction text with this easy to use SWBST acronym.
- Plus Plan
Summarizing Fiction Slide Deck
Build summarizing skills with fiction texts using these teaching slides.
- Plus Plan
Franklin D. Roosevelt Facts and Details Comprehension Pack
Read and learn about Franklin Delano Roosevelt with a reading passage and comprehension questions.
- Plus Plan
4th Grade Writing Worksheets: Tornado Text-Based Writing
Enhance your students' comprehension, vocabulary, and writing skills using 4th Grade writing worksheets and a high-interest reading passage about Tornadoes.
- Plus Plan
Westward Expansion Reading Comprehension Worksheet
Build reading comprehension skills with a Westward Expansion reading passage and assessment.
- Plus Plan
Mars vs. Earth - Differentiated Paired Passage Worksheets
Learn about the planets with differentiated compare and contrast passages, activities, and writing opportunities.
- Plus Plan
The Loudest Sound in the World – Comprehension Worksheet
A comprehension worksheet paired with a literary text about a princess who demands to hear the loudest sound in the world.