ELAR 6.10(D)(vi)
subordinating conjunctions to form complex sentences and correlative conjunctions such as either/or and neither/nor;
- Plus Plan
Successful Sentences – Sentence Construction Cards
Word cards for constructing complex sentences.
- Plus Plan
Paragraph Study Grammar Interactive PowerPoint
Interactive PowerPoint presentation allowing students to learn and review grammar by highlighting paragraphs.
- Plus Plan
Conjunctions Spinners (Coordinating Conjunctions, Subordinating Conjunctions, Correlative Conjunctions)
Bring some fun to your grammar lessons with these colorful conjunctions spinners! Students spin to reveal a conjunction to use in their writing or oral language.
- Plus Plan
Color by Parts of Speech (Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Pronouns, Prepositions, and Adverbs) – Toucan
Practice identifying different parts of speech with this color by code worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Persuasive Writing Bump It Up Wall – Grade 6
Help your 6th-grade students "bump up" their persuasive writing with this bulletin board display.
- Plus Plan
Everyday Grammar Sentence Structure Warm-Ups – Grades 5 and 6 Interactive PowerPoint
An engaging 40 slide interactive PowerPoint to use in the upper grades classroom when learning about grammar and sentence structure.
- Plus Plan
Everyday Grammar Parts of Speech Warm-Ups – Grades 5 and 6
A 39-slide editable PowerPoint to use when reviewing parts of speech with your students.
- Plus Plan
Sentence Saga Literacy Activity (Silly Sentences)
A set of words and punctuation marks that are combined to make sentences.
- Plus Plan
Four Types of Sentences Poster Collection - Primary and Intermediate
Display these posters highlighting the four types of sentences and teach your students to use varied sentence types in their writing.