ELAR 6.6
Response skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking using multiple texts. The student responds to an increasingly challenging variety of sources that are read, heard, or viewed. The student is expected to:
(A) describe personal connections to a variety of sources, including self-selected texts;
(B) write responses that demonstrate understanding of texts, including comparing sources within and across genres;
(C) use text evidence to support an appropriate response;
(D) paraphrase and summarize texts in ways that maintain meaning and logical order;
(E) interact with sources in meaningful ways such as notetaking, annotating, freewriting, or illustrating;
(F) respond using newly acquired vocabulary as appropriate;
(G) discuss and write about the explicit or implicit meanings of text;
(H) respond orally or in writing with appropriate register, vocabulary, tone, and voice; and
(I) reflect on and adjust responses as new evidence is presented.
- Free Plan
Should Smartphones Be Allowed in Class? Comprehension Worksheets
Decide if cellphones should be allowed in class and boost comprehension skills with a reading passage and comprehension test.
- Free Plan
Five Finger Summary - Graphic Organizer
A graphic organizer for students to use to summarize a fiction text.
- Free Plan
Reading Response Template – Inferring and Predicting
Guide your students to make inferences and predictions with a piece of text using the one-page template.
- Free Plan
Note-taking Graphic Organizer
A graphic organizer for students to use when taking notes.
- Free Plan
S.W.B.S.T. Summarizing Graphic Organizer
Use this printable SWBST strategy graphic organizer with students to write a summary for a fictional piece of text.
- Free Plan
Making Connections Worksheet
Practice making connections while reading a piece of text with this graphic organizer.
- Plus Plan
Making Text Connections Graphic Organizer (Grades 3-6)
A graphic organizer to use with students when making connections with a piece of text.
- Free Plan
Inspirational Woman Profile: Yuna Kim – Comprehension Worksheet
A comprehension task to use when learning about Yuna Kim.
- Plus Plan
Before, During, and After Reading Fiction - Question Prompts
Question prompts and a worksheet to use when asking questions before, during, and after reading.
- Plus Plan
How to Summarize Fiction Mini Book
Explore the important factors of summarizing a fiction text with this student mini-book.
- Plus Plan
Reading Response Templates - Complete Journal
A reading response journal for students to use to engage with text in meaningful and purposeful ways.
- Plus Plan
Summarizing Fiction Task Cards
Guide students along their summarizing journey with this set of Fiction texts on task cards for students to summarize.
- Plus Plan
Summarizing Fiction Poster Set
Help students remember what to include in a summary of a fiction text with this easy to use SWBST acronym.
- Plus Plan
Summarizing Fiction Slide Deck
Build summarizing skills with fiction texts using these teaching slides.
- Plus Plan
The Loudest Sound in the World – Comprehension Worksheet
A comprehension worksheet paired with a literary text about a princess who demands to hear the loudest sound in the world.
- Plus Plan
10 Fascinating Facts About the Sydney Harbour Bridge – Comprehension Worksheet
A comprehension worksheet paired with an informational text about the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
- Plus Plan
History of Halloween – Reading Comprehension Worksheet
Learn about the history of Halloween with a printable reading comprehension passage and questions.
- Plus Plan
Grade 6 Daily Warm-Up – PowerPoint 3
A 70-slide PowerPoint presentation containing a variety of quick warm-up activities.
- Plus Plan
Brilliant, Brave Minds – Comprehension Task
An article and comprehension task celebrating women and Women's History Month.
- Plus Plan
Reading Response Template – Summarizing
Practice summarizing a piece of text with this reading response template.
- Plus Plan
Reading Response Template - Personal Review
Write a personal review of a piece of text with this one-page template.
- Free Plan
Inspirational Woman Profile: Brooke Boney – Comprehension Worksheet
A comprehension task to use when learning about Brooke Boney.
- Free Plan
Monitoring Comprehension Symbols Poster
A poster of symbols students can use to monitor their understanding of a text.
- Plus Plan
Reading Worksheets - The Business of Bees (5th Grade)
Read and learn about bees, pollination and honey production with a reading comprehension passage and worksheet pack.
- Free Plan
Movie Versus Book - Template
A template where students compare and review a movie and a book and construct a 3-D popcorn box.
- Plus Plan
Giant Squid Reading Comprehension Worksheets - 5th Grade
Read and learn about the features and adaptations of the giant squid with reading comprehension worksheets for 5th grade.
- Plus Plan
#SUMitUP Summarizing Activity
Summarize fictional text through this whole-class station activity.
- Plus Plan
History of Flight Reading Comprehension Passage
Read and learn about innovations in aviation with a printable reading comprehension activity.
- Plus Plan
Formation of Earth – Reading Comprehension Worksheet
Use this reading comprehension activity that helps develop literacy skills and outlines the events and processes that led to the formation of our home planet.
- Plus Plan
Holidays, Celebrations, and Resolutions – Upper Grades Workbook
Learn about celebrations from around the world with this 15-page activity booklet.
- Plus Plan
Life Without Tacos – Comprehension Passage Task
A reading passage about cultural diffusion paired with a comprehension worksheet.
- Plus Plan
4th Grade Reading Comprehension Worksheets - Superstitions
Learn about common superstitions and beliefs with a printable reading comprehension passage for 4th grade.