TEKS Health
- Plus Plan
All About Strengths Poster and Worksheet Pack
Help your students identify their personal strengths and weaknesses with this poster and worksheet pack.
- Plus Plan
Calming Strategies Fortune Teller Template
Help your students choose and apply strategies when they need to calm down with this handy fortune teller template.
- Plus Plan
Calm-Down Strategy Cards
Help your students choose and apply strategies when they need to calm down with this comprehensive set of calm-down strategy cards.
- Plus Plan
Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Sorting Activity
Use this sorting activity with your First Grade and Second Grade students to practice differentiating between verbal and nonverbal communication methods.
- Plus Plan
Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Act It Out Game
Use this active learning game to allow students to practice communication verbally and nonverbally, and interpret different verbal and nonverbal messages.
- Plus Plan
Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Poster
Teach your young students the key to communication by starting with the basics — the difference between verbal and nonverbal communication methods.
- Plus Plan
Chill Out! Calm Down Corner Poster
Welcome students into your class calm down corner with this cool classroom poster.
- Plus Plan
Emotional Self-Regulation Check-In Posters
Promote emotional awareness and self-regulation in your classroom with this daily mood check-in routine.
- Plus Plan
Dealing with Bullying Teaching Slides
Teach your students about bullying and being resilient with an interactive slide deck.
- Plus Plan
Emotional Self-Regulation – Student Emotion Mood Meter
Allow your students to communicate how they are feeling using a non-verbal, desk-sized mood meter.
- Plus Plan
Kindness Word Search
Download a printable word search about kindness for elementary school to explore this important aspect of social awareness with your students.
- Plus Plan
Feeling Safe Mini-Book
Explore positive and negative feelings and what it feels like to be safe with this mini-book.
- Plus Plan
Safe or Unsafe Scenario Task Cards
Discuss safe and unsafe situations with this set of scenario task cards.
- Plus Plan
My Safe Relationships Flipbook
Explore what makes a safe relationship and who is in your trusted network with this flipbook.
- Plus Plan
Safe and Unsafe Interactive Activity
Explore safe and unsafe situations with this interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Personal Space and Setting Boundaries Activity Set
Learn about personal space and appropriate boundaries with this activity pack.
- Plus Plan
Setting Boundaries - Support Network Interactive Activity
Help students identify their support network of trusted adults with this interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Am I A Space Invader? Poster and Worksheet Set
Learn about personal space with this space invader poster and worksheet set.
- Plus Plan
Trusted Adult Scenario Task Cards
Help students understand who is in their trusted adult network and who to go to for help.
- Plus Plan
Personal Space Posters
Learn about personal space with these space-themed classroom posters.
- Plus Plan
Showing Compassion Google Slides Interactive Activity
Help students understand the importance of caring for others and how to appropriately respond with this interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Friendship Fun! Board Game
Disucss characteristics of healthy friendships as well as how to repair relationships with a fun and engaging board game.
- Plus Plan
Five Finger Forgiveness – Poster and Writing Activity
Teach your students how to forgive others in order to keep and maintain relationships with this poster and writing prompt.
- Plus Plan
Making Mistakes – Sorting Activity
Help your students recognize different types of mistakes and discuss ways to learn from them with this SEL activity.
- Plus Plan
Social Cues Poster & Worksheet
Teach your students about different social cues with this printable poster and worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Forgiving Friends – Character Education Activities
Use these character education activities to encourage students to maintain and repair friendships by forgiving others.
- Plus Plan
My Forgiveness Journal – SEL Worksheets
Teach students about the importance of forgiving others with this printable forgiveness journal.
- Plus Plan
Grow a Friendship Garden – Friendship Activities
Encourage students to make a friendship garden grow with this activity bundle that includes friendship worksheets, writing templates, craft templates, and scenario cards.
- Plus Plan
Friendship Writing Prompts
Encourage positive relationships by using our friendship writing prompts in your classroom.
- Plus Plan
How to Be a Good Friend – Mini-Book
Encourage students to build relationships by learning how to be a good friend with this printable mini-book.
- Plus Plan
Find a Friend Who…Worksheet
Encourage students to engage with different classmates and learn about others with this whole-class activity.
- Plus Plan
Saying Sorry Mini-Book
Learn how to develop strategies and skills for saying sorry to others with this printable mini-book.