Math 1.2
Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process standards to represent and compare whole numbers, the relative position and magnitude of whole numbers, and relationships within the numeration system related to place value. The student is expected to:
- (1) recognize instantly
the quantity of structured arrangements;
- (A) use concrete and pictorial models to compose and decompose numbers up to 120 in more than one way as so many hundreds, so many tens, and so many ones;
- (B) use objects, pictures, and expanded and standard forms to represent numbers up to 120;
- (C) generate a number that is greater than or less than a given whole number up to 120;
- (D) use place value to compare whole numbers up to 120 using comparative language;
- (E) order whole numbers up to 120 using place value and open number lines; and
- (F) represent the comparison of two numbers to 100 using the symbols >, <, or =.
- Plus Plan
Subitizing 1 to 12 - Memory Game
A set of subitizing cards for students to play a game of memory when learning to subitize numbers.
- Plus Plan
Numbers, Words, and Tallies Mix-Ups - Tens
A game to help your students understand numbers and all of the different ways they can be represented.
- Plus Plan
Numbers, Words, and Tallies Up to 20 - Worksheet
A worksheet for students to practice representing number 1–20 using numbers, words, and tally marks.
- Plus Plan
Number, Word, and Dot Matchup - Worksheet
A matching activity to practice representing numbers 0–20.
- Plus Plan
Counting to 20 - Worksheet
A worksheet to practice one-to-one correspondence.
- Plus Plan
Counting to Twenty in Word Form - Poster
A poster showing numbers and words from 1–20.
- Plus Plan
1–20 Number Matchup Puzzles
A set of 20 matchup puzzles to help students identify the different ways to represent the numbers 1–20.
- Plus Plan
Numbers 21 -130 Chart - Missing Numbers From 80
A numbers 21-130 chart with missing numbers from 80 to encourage your students to count beyond 100.
- Plus Plan
Numbers 21 -130 Chart
A number 21-130 chart to encourage your student to count beyond 100.
- Plus Plan
Place Value Bingo Game - Numbers 0-999
A set of 32 bingo cards to practice place value up to 999.
- Plus Plan
Two-Digit Place Value Bingo Game (Digits and Base-10 Blocks)
32 bingo cards using place value up to 99.
- Plus Plan
Counting Collections in the Hundreds PowerPoint
A 15-page editable PowerPoint to use in the classroom when exploring efficient ways of counting collections in the hundreds.
- Plus Plan
3-Digit Place Value Scavenger Hunt Worksheet
A fun, scavenger-hunt style worksheet to use in the classroom when exploring 3-digit place value.
- Plus Plan
QR Code 3-Digit Place Value Scavenger Hunt
A fun activity where students scan QR codes to go on a 3-digit scavenger hunt in the classroom.
- Plus Plan
Place Value War - Number Game
A fun 3-digit place value game for students to play in the classroom.
- Plus Plan
3-Digit Roll It, Make It, Expand It! - Place Value Worksheet
A worksheet for students to use when learning about the place value of three-digit numbers.
- Plus Plan
I Have, Who Has? Game - Place Value (3-Digit Numbers)
A whole-class game to consolidate students' understanding of 3-digit place value.
- Plus Plan
My 2-Digit Place Value Diary
A diary for students to make when showing their understanding of 2-digit place value.
- Plus Plan
Numbers 1 To 1,000
Numbers 1 to 1,000 displayed on a set of bright and colorful posters.
- Plus Plan
Hundreds Number, Word, and Base-10 Block Posters
Posters showing numbers going up in hundreds.
- Plus Plan
Tens Number, Word, and Base-10 Block Posters
Posters showing numbers going up in tens.
- Plus Plan
Number and Word Posters 0-99
Posters showing numbers and words from 0-99.
- Plus Plan
Number of the Day Warm-Up PowerPoint
A 30-slide editable PowerPoint Template for a 'number of the day' warm up.
- Plus Plan
Ascending and Descending Number Posters
A poster explaining what descending order means.
- Plus Plan
I Have, Who Has? Game - Place Value (2-Digit Numbers)
A whole-class game to reinforce your students' understanding of place value.
- Plus Plan
Place Value Monster
A fun place value activity to help students consolidate their understanding of tens and ones.
- Plus Plan
Counting Collections and Connecting Numbers PowerPoint
A 16-page editable PowerPoint presentation to use as part of a counting lesson when teaching place value to younger students.
- Plus Plan
Number Match-Up Activity (1-20)
Use this match-up activity to consolidate your students' knowledge of numbers up to 20.
- Plus Plan
1 to 20 Parking Lot Number Match
A parking lot themed number matching activity to use in the classroom when identifying the numbers from 1 to 20 in word and standard form.
- Plus Plan
Counting Collections to 20 Worksheet
A worksheet for students to use when counting small collections.
- Plus Plan
How Many Candles? - Birthday Cake Counting Activity
A fun, hands-on activity to practice one-to-one correspondence.
- Plus Plan
Number and Word Posters - 0–30
Posters showing 0–30 in standard and word form.