Math 1.2(C)
use objects, pictures, and expanded and standard forms to represent numbers up to 120;
- Free Plan
I Can See Numbers Everywhere! - Worksheet
A booklet template for students to use when recording numbers found in different locations.
- Plus Plan
Penny's Place Value Puzzle
A worksheet to practice place value to the hundreds.
- Plus Plan
2-Digit Number of the Day Worksheet
A 2-digit place value worksheet to represent the number of the day in different ways.
- Plus Plan
What's My Card? Double-Digit Board Game
A set of cards to be used in a Guess Who? Board Game for students to consolidate their knowledge of double-digit numbers.
- Plus Plan
Missing Values Number Chart - 1–120
A black and white chart representing numbers 1-120.
- Plus Plan
Counting to 20 Match-Up Cards
Count objects up to 20 with our match-up card game.
- Plus Plan
Numbers 1–20 Clip Cards
Facilitate counting practice with this set of multisensory peg cards.
- Plus Plan
3-Digit Number Expander Template (Peacock)
Explore 3-digit numbers with this cute foldable peacock number expander for your students.
- Plus Plan
Double Digit Numbers Mystery Worksheet
Explore double digit place value with this fun clue based mystery worksheet for your students.
- Plus Plan
2-Digit in Expanded Form Interactive Activity
Engage students in showing their knowledge of converting double digit numbers into their expanded form with this interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Reading and Writing Double Digit Numbers Interactive Activity
Get students practicing their knowledge of converting standard form numbers to expanded form with this engaging interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
2-Digit Numbers Interactive Activity
Explore double digit numbers in a variety of different scenarios with this engaging interactive activity for your classroom.
- Plus Plan
Reading and Writing Double Digit Numbers Flipbook
Engage students in learning to read and write double digit numbers with this flipbook.
- Plus Plan
Two-Digit Expanded Form Race-Themed Worksheet
Race through identifying the standard form of 2-digit numbers in expanded form with this fun race-themed worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Thanksgiving Turkey Hide! - Place Value Worksheet
Save the Thanksgiving Turkeys and practice modeling numbers in base ten with a printable Thanksgiving Math Worksheet
- Plus Plan
Thanksgiving Color-By-Number for Kindergarten - Counting
Count sets of objects up to ten with a printable Thanksgiving Color by Number Worksheet for Kindergarten.
- Plus Plan
Thanksgiving Dot to Dot Worksheets
Practice counting up to 40 and create beautiful Thanksgiving art using a set of printable Thanksgiving Connect the Dots Printables.
- Plus Plan
2 Digit Place Value Puzzles
Teach students the different representations of 2-digit numbers with this place value puzzle.
- Plus Plan
Counting Clip Cards - Fire Safety
Practice counting objects with a set of 18 fire-themed counting clip cards.
- Plus Plan
Firefighter Color By Number Worksheet - Hundreds Chart
Print the perfect math activity for Fire Prevention Week with a printable firefighter hundreds chart color-by-number worksheet.
- Free Plan
Halloween Number-Word Matching Worksheet
Match numbers and number words with a pack of Halloween printable math worksheets for kindergarten.
- Plus Plan
Halloween Math Worksheets - Spooky Ten Frames
Model numbers to twenty using ten frames with a spooky Halloween math worksheet for kindergarten.
- Plus Plan
Pumpkin Count and Color - Halloween Math Worksheet
Use these Halloween math worksheets to practice counting sets of objects up to ten.
- Plus Plan
2-Digit Number of the Day - Spiral Review
Review a variety of second-grade math concepts with a Number of the Day slide deck and recording sheet.
- Plus Plan
Exploring 2-Digit Place Value - Teaching Slides
Explore 2-digit numbers using place value strategies with an interactive teaching presentation.
- Plus Plan
Tens and Ones 2-Digit Place Value Mat
Build two-digit numbers and improve place value skills with a printable tens and ones math mat.
- Plus Plan
Number Talks - Ten Frame Task Cards
Build number sense skills with this set of 30 ten and double ten frame math talk task cards.
- Free Plan
Ten Frame - Printable Templates
Print a set of 10 blank ten frames to use in various math lessons.
- Plus Plan
Ordering Numbers - Instructional Slide Deck
Help your students understand the concept of number sequencing with an interactive instructional slide deck.
- Plus Plan
Christmas Color By Number - Hundreds Chart Mystery Pictures
Print the perfect color-by-number math activity for Christmas: a set of 12 Christmas-inspired mystery hundreds charts.
- Plus Plan
2-Digit Place Value Game - Interactive Slide Deck
Review various first- and second-grade place value concepts with an interactive daily place value warmup.
- Plus Plan
Easter Literacy and Math Centers - Digital Learning Activity
Lost the lesson-planning stress this Easter season with an exciting no-prep digital Easter Literacy and Math center.