TEKS Math 2
- Plus Plan
Strip Diagram (Bar Model) Poster Pack
Help your students solve problems using the four operations with a pack of printable strip diagram anchor charts.
- Free Plan
Missing Part Path - Find the Missing Number Worksheet
Practice using various subtraction strategies with a fun dice-roll math maze.
- Plus Plan
3D Shapes Cafe- Interactive Activity
Practice identifying 3D shapes and their properties in multiple ways with this engaging interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Number Neighborhood - Printable Number Line Sequencing Cards
Print a set of colorful numbered houses to use for skip counting, ordering, and comparing numbers.
- Free Plan
Regular and Irregular Polygons
Use this teacher-created resource for teaching about regular and irregular polygons.
- Plus Plan
Printable Skip Counting Worksheets and Charts
Practice and review skip counting by 2,3,4,5,and 10 with a pack of printable skip counting worksheets and anchor charts.
- Plus Plan
Jump Strategy for Subtraction – Interactive Teaching Slides
Teach your students to subtract two-digit numbers using the jump strategy with an instructional teaching presentation.
- Free Plan
Fall Math Center - Odd and Even Number Sort
Identify and sort 2- and 3-digit numbers into odd and even categories with a Fall math activity.
- Plus Plan
Count and Color the Coins - Differentiated Worksheets
Use skip counting and addition skills to determine which coins are needed for a given amount.
- Free Plan
Count the Nickels Worksheet
Use skip counting and addition skills to determine the number of nickels needed for a given amount.
- Plus Plan
Grade 2 Daily Warm-Up - PowerPoint 4
Warm-up your students' brains each day with this 68-slide PowerPoint containing a variety of quick activities.
- Plus Plan
Making Ten Teaching Slide Deck
A 14-slide PowerPoint that uses engaging animations to walk students through the 'making ten' addition strategy.
- Plus Plan
What's the Value? - Money Task Cards
Practice identifying coins and their values when added together with this set of 40 money task cards.
- Plus Plan
Place Value Work Mat
Practice place value concepts with this work mat for students.
- Plus Plan
Place Value Banner - Billions to Thousandths
A banner that displays extended place value.
- Plus Plan
Math Problem Solving Cards - Grades 2 and 3
A set of 30 problem solving questions covering a range of mathematical concepts.
- Plus Plan
3-Digit Place Value Warm-Up - Interactive PowerPoint
An engaging 44-slide interactive PowerPoint to use when learning about place value to 3-digits.
- Plus Plan
Types of Graphs Posters
This colorful and easy-to-digest visual display shows students the varying data displays they will encounter in their elementary math lessons.
- Plus Plan
I Have, Who Has? 4 Digit Place Value Game
Explore numbers up to 4-digits with this fun whole class place value game of 'I have, Who Has?'
- Plus Plan
Math Brain Teasers – Grade 2 Word Problems
Challenge your second-grade students to solve these brain teasers with a set of 24 math word problems.
- Plus Plan
Two-Digit Addition Using the Split Strategy – Poster and Worksheets
Teach your students how to use partitioning for two-digit addition with this ice cream-themed poster and worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Place Value Spin Activity
Practice identifying the number of 'tens' and 'ones' in two-digit numbers with this fun spin activity.
- Plus Plan
Addition Fact Timed Tests & Trackers
Assess and track addition fact fluency with a printable Math Drill Worksheet pack for addition facts.
- Plus Plan
Label the Unit Fraction Worksheets
Label different unit fractions with this set of student worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Fraction Robot Template
Build a robot using these fraction shapes for a fun activity to do with your students when learning about unit fractions.
- Plus Plan
Unit Fraction Donut Investigation
Explore unit fractions in this fun donut-themed math investigation for your students.
- Plus Plan
What Does the Clock Say? - Telling Time Game
Solve the math riddles to find the clocks that show the correct time with a fun Time to 5 Minute Telling Time Game.
- Plus Plan
A.M. or P.M.? 2nd Grade Time Game
Differentiate between events that occur in A.M. and P.M. times with an interactive self-checking digital learning game.
- Plus Plan
Match the Arrays Worksheet Pack
Give your students practice matching arrays and multiplication facts with these math worksheets for 2nd and 3rd grade.
- Plus Plan
Thanksgiving Color By Number Worksheet - 2nd Grade Place Value
Have some Thanksgiving Math fun with a printable Thanksgiving Color By Number worksheet to practice standard, expanded, word, and base ten forms.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication With Arrays Task Cards
Practice multiplication with arrays using this set of 20 task cards in a variety of ways.
- Plus Plan
Decomposing 3-Digit Numbers Matching Activity
Help children decompose 3-digit numbers by identifying the place value of hundreds, tens, and ones with this matching activity.