TEKS Math 3
- Plus Plan
5-Digit Number of the Day Worksheet
A 5-digit place value worksheet to represent the number of the day in different ways.
- Plus Plan
Let's Sort It! - 2D and 3D Shapes
Play this sorting game when learning about the properties of 2D and 3D shapes.
- Plus Plan
Polygon Puzzles - Multiplication
A set of 7 polygon puzzles to practice solving multiplication number sentences.
- Plus Plan
Wendy's Place Value Wall Worksheet
A worksheet to use to reinforce student understanding of place value to the ten thousands place.
- Plus Plan
Measuring Area Using Arrays
A worksheet to use when exploring the concept of measuring area using arrays.
- Plus Plan
Pandora's Party Palace Math Activity - Lower Level Version
16 mathematics problem solving task cards involving money in a real-world context.
- Plus Plan
Percy's Place Value Puzzle
A worksheet to use to practice place value to the thousands place.
- Plus Plan
Customary Units Mass Measuring Interactive Activity
Practice the different customer units of mass with this engaging interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
10 Problem Solving Strategies Posters
Boost problem solving skills and remind your students to use their strategies with our Problem Solving Strategy Posters.
- Plus Plan
Equivalent Fractions Pizza Bingo - Whole, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8
32 different bingo cards to practice finding equivalent fractions involving 1, 1/2, 1/4, and 1/8.
- Plus Plan
Reading a Triple Beam Balance Worksheet Pack
Practice reading balance scales with this set of measuring mass worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Mass Mystery Escape Room
Explore the different elements of mass with this super fun and engaging escape room resource.
- Plus Plan
Clock Worksheet Cut and Paste– 5-Minute Intervals
Use a clock worksheet to cut, paste and build a clock with five minute increments.
- Plus Plan
Unit Fraction Flowers Craft Activity
Construct unit fraction flowers and discover different ways unit fractions can occur.
- Plus Plan
Order Up! Elapsed Time Puzzles
Practice determining elapsed time with a printable pack of nine ‘Order Up! Elapsed Time Cut and Paste Puzzle Strips.
- Plus Plan
Elapsed Time Test
Assess your students' abilities to determine elapsed time to the whole, half, and quarter-hour with a printable Elapsed Time Test.
- Plus Plan
Unit Fraction Task Cards
Explore all there is to know about Unit Fractions with this set of unit fraction task cards, perfect for math rotations.
- Plus Plan
Elapsed Time Rulers
Use an elapsed time ruler to help your students determine the duration of time.
- Plus Plan
Addition Algorithm PowerPoint Presentation
Use this editable interactive teaching presentation with your students when explaining how to use the addition algorithm with regrouping.
- Plus Plan
4-Digit Number Poster Set
Display this set of posters to help students remember the processes for reading and writing numbers up to 10,000 using base-ten blocks as well as standard, word, and expanded forms.
- Plus Plan
Division Dragon – Worksheet
Division doesn't have to be boring! Let your pupils practise with our fun differentiated dragon division worksheets.
- Plus Plan
4-Digit Mystery Numbers Interactive Activity
Explore 4-digit numbers with this fun mystery-themed interactive activity .
- Plus Plan
4-Digit Pizza Interactive Activity
Use this interactive game to enhance students' proficiency in writing and representing 4-digit numbers.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Arrays Mini-Book
Teach your students about multiplication and array models with this printable mini-book.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication on a Number Line Task Cards for 3rd Grade
Extend student understanding of multiplication and number lines with this set of 24 task cards.
- Plus Plan
Perimeter of Composite Shapes Worksheets
Use these perimeter of composite shapes worksheets in your math lessons when teaching your students how to calculate more advanced perimeters.
- Plus Plan
Drawing Arrays Worksheet Pack
Review how to draw an array with your students as they complete this worksheet pack.
- Plus Plan
Number Line Multiplication – Worksheet Pack for 3rd Grade
Guide your students to solve number line multiplication problems with this worksheet pack.
- Plus Plan
Perimeter of Composite Shapes Task Cards
Have your students find the perimeter of composite shapes with this set of task cards perfect for math centers.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication With Arrays Bingo
Review how arrays and multiplication facts are related with this whole-class Bingo game.
- Plus Plan
Perimeter Task Cards
Use these perimeter tasks to give your students practice with this fundamental measurement skill.
- Plus Plan
Perimeter Practice Problems With Visuals – Worksheet
Download these perimeter practice problems to use when exploring measurement concepts in your math lessons.