Math 5.3(C)
solve with proficiency for quotients of up to a four-digit dividend by a two-digit divisor using strategies and the standard algorithm;
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65 - 96 of 69 teaching resources for those 'aha' moments
- Plus Plan
Multiplication Gears - Multiplication Facts of 0 Poster
A fun poster that shows the multiplication facts for 0.
- Plus Plan
Musical Equations Active Learning
A whole class active game that encourages learning through a physical setting.
- Plus Plan
Polygon Puzzles - Division
A set of 7 polygon puzzles to practice solving division number sentences.
- Plus Plan
Daily Math Word Problems - Grade 5 (Worksheets)
A set of 20 problem solving questions suited to grade 5 students.
- Plus Plan
Number Talks Teaching Resource Pack - Grade 5
A collection of number talks teaching resources that support meaningful and highly engaging conversations in the mathematics classroom.