Music 4.2(A)
read, write, and reproduce rhythmic patterns using standard notation, including separated eighth notes, eighth- and sixteenth-note combinations, dotted half note, and previously learned note values in 2/4, 4/4, and 3/4 meters as appropriate;
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7 teaching resources for those 'aha' moments
- Free Plan
Oblivious Orchestra – Rhythm Challenge
A fun and challenging game where students try to keep a steady beat.
- Free Plan
What Am I? – Music and Instruments
A fun game for students to identify various musical instruments and terminology.
- Plus Plan
Virtual Music Games
A set of 6 music games that can be played virtually.
- Free Plan
Music Symbols and Vocabulary Match-up
Match up the music symbols with the related word.
- Plus Plan
Music Symbols PowerPoint
A Microsoft PowerPoint presentation covering 15 common musical symbols.
- Plus Plan
Musical ZAP Game - Notes with Rhythm Syllables
A fun group game to play when learning notes and rhythms.
- Plus Plan
Musical ZAP Game - Notes Only
A fun group game to play when learning notes and rhythms.