Music 6.3
Creative expression. The student demonstrates musical artistry by singing or playing an instrument, alone and in groups, performing a variety of unison, homophonic, and polyphonic repertoire. The student makes music at an appropriate level of difficulty and performs in a variety of genres from notation and by memory. The student is expected to:
(A) demonstrate, alone and in groups, characteristic vocal or instrumental timbre;
(B) perform music alone and in groups, demonstrating appropriate physical fundamental techniques such as hand position, bowing, embouchure, articulation, and posture;
(C) perform independently and expressively, with accurate intonation and rhythm, developing fundamental skills and appropriate solo, small ensemble, and large ensemble performance techniques;
(D) perform independently and expressively a varied repertoire of music representing various styles and cultures;
(E) sight-read independently and expressively, with accurate intonation and rhythm, demonstrating fundamental skills and appropriate solo, small ensemble, and large ensemble performance techniques in known keys and rhythms;
(F) interpret music symbols and terms referring to keys; clefs; dynamics, including crescendo, decrescendo, piano, and forte; tempi, including accelerando and ritardando; and articulations, including staccato and legato, appropriately when performing; and
(G) create rhythmic phrases using known rhythms and melodic phrases using known pitches at an appropriate level of difficulty.