TEKS Science 1
- Plus Plan
Types of Soil Mini-Book
Teach your students about the four main types of soil with this printable book, perfect for your science lessons!
- Plus Plan
Soil Word Wall Vocabulary Cards
Immerse your students in subject-specific vocabulary related to soil types and their properties with this set of 16 illustrated vocabulary cards.
- Plus Plan
Types of Soil Chart
Remind your students about the four main types of soil with this soil chart for your classroom.
- Plus Plan
Water Sources Teaching Slides and Workbook
Learn all about water sources and how it relates to the water cycle with this teaching presentation and matching workbook.
- Plus Plan
Healthy and Unhealthy Plants Worksheets
Discover what plants need to grow to be healthy with differentiated worksheets about healthy and unhealthy plants.
- Plus Plan
Tree Observation Worksheets
Record observations of trees in the environment with a printable graphic organizer.
- Plus Plan
Bean Growth Experiment
“Grow” your students’ knowledge of plant life cycles with a plant growth experiment.
- Plus Plan
Plant Vocabulary Words - Matching Activity
Help students become familiar with vocabulary related to plants with a hands-on matching game.
- Plus Plan
Beans in a Bag - Mini Greenhouse Experiment
“Grow” your students’ knowledge of plant life cycles with a printable greenhouse template and observation journal.
- Plus Plan
Sun Observation Project
Use observations of the sun to describe patterns that can be predicted with this journal project.
- Plus Plan
Moon Facts Writing Template
Describe and illustrate information about the moon with a printable writing template.
- Plus Plan
Phases of the Moon – Journal Project
Observe, describe, and record patterns of the lunar cycle with this moon tracking project.
- Plus Plan
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - Earth Day Foldables
Display different ways to conserve resources with a set of fun recycling–based foldable interactive notebook templates.
- Plus Plan
Helping the Earth Flipbook - Primary
Use this printable recycling flipbook with your students to teach them about ways to help Earth.
- Plus Plan
Types of Weather – Cut and Paste Worksheet
Use this cut-and-paste science worksheet to match a picture and description with each weather condition.
- Plus Plan
Recycling Writing Prompts - Earth Day Worksheets
Differentiate writing instruction in primary grades with informational writing prompts about recycling and conservation.
- Plus Plan
Objects in the Sky – Exit Tickets
Assess understanding of different objects in the sky with this set of 24 exit tickets.
- Plus Plan
Types of Weather Bingo
Identify basic weather vocabulary terms such as windy, cloudy, snowy, cold, etc., with an exciting game of Bingo!
- Plus Plan
Weather Journal – Mini-Book
Draw and write about the current weather conditions, record weather data, and predict what the following day’s forecast will be with this printable mini-book.
- Plus Plan
Objects in the Sky Bingo
Learn about different objects in the sky with a bingo game!
- Plus Plan
Objects in the Sky – Instructional Slide Deck
Teach your students about the moon, sun, stars, and clouds with this 24-slide instructional slide deck.
- Plus Plan
Objects in the Sky – Interactive Clip Cards
Practice identifying different objects in the sky and associated vocabulary terms with this set of 24 interactive clip cards.
- Free Plan
Space - Word Wall Vocabulary
Use these space vocabulary words and space terms to unlock the solar system for your elementary students as they learn about space, the solar system, and the world far beyond your school.
- Plus Plan
Reduce Reuse Recycle! - Printable Earth Day Read-Alouds
Teach your students to reduce, reuse, and recycle with a printable 3 Rs Mini-Book.
- Plus Plan
Objects in the Sky Flipbook
Describe and illustrate different objects found in the sky with this printable science flipbook.
- Plus Plan
Objects in the Sky – Google Slides Interactive Activity
Demonstrate an understanding of the sun, moon, stars, and clouds with this interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Weather Words – Worksheet Pack
Use this set of worksheets when identifying different types of weather.
- Plus Plan
Objects in the Sky – Write the Room Activity
Improve your students’ understanding of science vocabulary terms that relate to objects in the sky with this “Write the Room” activity.
- Plus Plan
Types of Weather – Word Search
Review science vocabulary terms with an engaging weather word search.
- Plus Plan
Objects in the Sky – Sorting Activity
Determine if statements about different objects in the sky are true or false with this sorting activity.
- Plus Plan
Types of Clouds – Poster Pack
Learn about nimbus, cirrus, stratus, and cumulus clouds with this set of 4 printable posters.
- Plus Plan
Clouds and Their Position – Poster
Learn about the different types of clouds and their position within the atmosphere with this printable poster.