TEKS Social Studies 1
- Free Plan
Goods and Services Worksheet
Determine examples of goods and services with an economics worksheet.
- Free Plan
Identifying Community Helpers Worksheets
Engage kindergarten and first-grade students in identifying community helpers with a pair of worksheets.
- Free Plan
Reading a Map Worksheet
Develop elementary grade map skills with a map-reading worksheet.
- Free Plan
Months of the Year Printable Activity Book
Create months of the year booklets to help your students identify, sequence and spell the months in a year.
- Plus Plan
Looking at Landforms Worksheet
Identify the major landforms of the world with a labeling worksheet.
- Free Plan
What Are Needs and Wants? Task Cards
Use these free Needs and Wants Task Cards to practice identifying things that are needs and things that are wants.
- Plus Plan
Days of the Week Calendar Math Display
Help your students learn about the days of the week with a printable Calendar Math Classroom Display.
- Free Plan
Constitution Day - Poster Template
Demonstrate knowledge of the Constitution Day holiday in the United States with a Constitution Day poster project.
- Free Plan
Where to Buy Goods and Services Worksheet
Identify places and people in the community that provide goods and services with a cut and paste sorting worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Build a Calendar - Following Instructions Worksheets
Practice following directions and using a calendar with a pack of 12 printable calendar worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Who Works in Our Community? - Community Helper Worksheet
A worksheet to use when learning about community helpers.
- Plus Plan
All About Community Workers - Community Helper Slide Deck
View and discuss the various community helpers with a slideshow about community helpers for kindergarten and preschool.
- Plus Plan
Continents and Oceans Roll and Color Game
Learn to identify the continents and oceans of the world with a Continents and Oceans Roll and Color Game.
- Plus Plan
What is a Timeline? Instructional Slide Deck
Use this slide deck and accompanying materials to teach your students how to read, understand, and identify timelines.
- Plus Plan
Printable Community Helpers Booklet
Use this mini-book to review or introduce community workers to your primary grade students.
- Plus Plan
What Do They Do? Community Helpers Worksheet Pack
Engage kindergarten and first-grade students in writing about 25 amazing community helpers with a worksheet pack.
- Plus Plan
Natural Landforms for Kids Poster Collection
Display and teach the types of landforms on Earth with a set of fifteen Natural Landforms posters.
- Plus Plan
All About My Family Mini Booklet
A template for students to complete a booklet all about their family.
- Plus Plan
Months and Seasons Worksheet - Matching Activity
Help your students order the months of the year and match them with their corresponding seasons with a cut-and-paste activity.
- Plus Plan
Months of the Year - Digital Math Activity
Drag and drop to learn the months of the year and how to identify dates on a calendar with an engaging drag-and-drop interactive activity.
- Free Plan
Spin and Spell - Months of the Year Worksheet
Spin and spell the months of the year with a printable spelling worksheet for 2nd Grade.
- Plus Plan
Months of the Year Worksheets
Read, write, and spell the months of the year with a set of printable Months of the Year worksheets for kindergarten.
- Plus Plan
Months of the Year - Ordering Worksheet
Practice ordering months of the year with a pack of printable months of the year worksheets for kindergarten.
- Free Plan
George Washington Comprehension Worksheet - Primary Grades
Read and learn about the father of our country, George Washington, with a reading passage and comprehension questions.
- Plus Plan
Build a Timeline - Puzzle Set
Practice building a timeline using given events with this set of 3 puzzles.
- Plus Plan
Community Helpers - Pictures/Posters
A set of 38 half-size community helpers picture posters showing different community helpers and where they work.
- Plus Plan
Natural Landforms Sorting Activity
Identify the major landforms of the world with a sorting activity.
- Plus Plan
Constitution Day Writing Craftivity
Create a Constitution Day bulletin board with a writing and craft activity for primary grades.
- Plus Plan
Map Symbols Matching Activity
Practice identifying the symbols found on a map with a map symbol matching activity.
- Plus Plan
Patriot Day Vocabulary Cards and Writing Center
Increase vocabulary and build background knowledge about Patriot Day (September 11th) with a set of vocabulary word wall cards and writing worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Patriot Day Writing Craftivity
Celebrate important heroes with this Patriot Day writing prompt and craft.
- Plus Plan
Constitution Day Mini Book
Learn about Constitution Day in the United States with a Constitution Day mini-book for early readers.