Social Studies 2.1
History. The student understands the historical significance of landmarks and celebrations in the community, state, and nation. The student is expected to:
- Plus Plan
Flag Day Writing Craftivity
Write facts and details about the American flag with a Flag Day craft activity.
- Plus Plan
George Washington Carver Constructed Response Worksheet
Read and write about George Washington Carver using the RACES strategy for constructed response paragraphs.
- Plus Plan
Veterans Day Thank You Cards
Show military servicemen and women appreciation with this set of 3 creative greeting cards for Veterans Day.
- Plus Plan
Sojourner Truth Constructed Response Worksheet
Learn facts about Sojourner Truth with an informational reading passage and writing activity for third grade and up.
- Plus Plan
Government Exit Tickets
Assess student knowledge of governmental concepts with quick and easy exit tickets.
- Plus Plan
United States Government Bingo
Review concepts of the U.S. Government using a Bingo game.
- Plus Plan
Branches of Government Scoot
Learn about the branches of the U.S. government using an exciting game of Scoot!
- Plus Plan
U.S. Branches of Government Sorting Activity
Learn about the branches of the U.S. government, each branch's responsibilities and those that are involved in each branch using a sorting activity.
- Plus Plan
U.S. Government - Vocabulary Match
Build vocabulary of government concepts with a U.S. government vocabulary matching activity.