Social Studies 3.9
Citizenship. The student understands characteristics of good citizenship as exemplified by historical and contemporary figures and organizations. The student is expected to:
- Â Free Plan
Levels of Government Worksheet - Responsibilities of Each Level
Sort the duties of state, local, and national government with a free sorting worksheet.
- Â Plus Plan
Printable U.S. Constitution Day Worksheet Pack
Learn about Constitution Day in the United States with a pack of printable U.S. Constitution worksheets for 2nd and 3rd grade.
- Â Free Plan
Three Branches of Government Sort
Learn about the branches of the U.S. government, each branch's responsibilities and those that are involved in each branch using a sorting activity.
- Â Plus Plan
Three Branches of Government Mini Workbook
Learn about the branches of the U.S. government, each branch's responsibilities, and those involved in each branch using a printable government workbook for kids.
- Â Plus Plan
Checks and Balances - RACES Writing Prompt Worksheet
Practice using the RACES writing strategy and unravel the mysteries of the U.S. Government system of checks and balances with a passage, organizer, and prompt.
- Â Plus Plan
Executive Branch Worksheet Pack
Learn about the leaders and responsibilities of the Executive Branch of the United States government with printable comprehension worksheets.
- Â Plus Plan
Powers of the Legislative Branch Comprehension Pack
Learn about the leaders and responsibilities of the Legislative Branch of the United States government with a reading passage and comprehension worksheets.
- Â Plus Plan
The Judicial Branch - Roles of Government Worksheet Pack
Learn about the roles and responsibilities of the Judicial Branch of the United States government with a printable reading passage and comprehension worksheets.
- Â Plus Plan
Branches of Government For Kids - Instructional Slides
Teach your students the roles and responsibilities of the three branches of the United States government with an instructional slide deck.
- Â Plus Plan
Levels of Government Workbook
Learn the duties and leaders of the national, state, and local levels of government with a printable government workbook.
- Â Plus Plan
Government Exit Tickets
Assess student knowledge of governmental concepts with quick and easy exit tickets.
- Â Plus Plan
United States Government Bingo
Review concepts of the U.S. Government using a Bingo game.
- Â Plus Plan
Branches of Government Scoot
Learn about the branches of the U.S. government using an exciting game of Scoot!
- Â Plus Plan
U.S. Branches of Government Sorting Activity
Learn about the branches of the U.S. government, each branch's responsibilities and those that are involved in each branch using a sorting activity.
- Â Plus Plan
U.S. Government - Vocabulary Match
Build vocabulary of government concepts with a U.S. government vocabulary matching activity.
- Â Plus Plan
Black History Profile: Amelia Boynton - Comprehension Worksheet
Review our profile on civil rights activist Amelia Boynton and answer questions to reinforce understanding.
- Â Plus Plan
Black History Profile: Carol Moseley Braun - Comprehension Worksheet
Review our profile on Illinois Senator Carol Moseley Braun and answer questions to reinforce understanding.
- Â Plus Plan
Black History Profile: Thomas Mundy Peterson - Comprehension Worksheet
Review our profile on history-maker Thomas Mundy Peterson and answer questions to reinforce understanding.
- Â Free Plan
Black History Profile: Shirley Chisholm - Comprehension Worksheet
Review our profile on Congresswoman and first Black presidential candidate Shirley Chisholm, and answer questions to reinforce understanding.
- Â Plus Plan
Black History Profile: Barack Obama - Comprehension Worksheet
Review our profile on the first African American President of the United States, and answer questions to reinforce understanding.
- Â Plus Plan
Black History Profile: Kamala Harris - Comprehension Worksheet
Review our profile on Vice President Kamala Harris and answer questions to reinforce understanding.
- Â Plus Plan
Martin Luther King, Jr. Timeline
Craft an illustrated timeline for students to visually explore the major events in Martin Luther King, Jr.'s life.
- Â Plus Plan
Black History Profile Poster Pack for the Classroom
Print a Black History poster pack for the classroom, to introduce your students to revered Black icons and the impacts their contributions have made to American history.
- Â Plus Plan
Black History Profile - Picture Match Activity
Review and complete the defining details of 6 revered Black icons and match their images with each completed biography.