Establish understanding of the language and processes of counting by naming numbers in sequences, initially to and from 20, moving from any starting point
- Plus Plan
Dinosaurs-themed Editable Desk Name Plates
Create individualised desk name plates using this editable Dinosaurs-themed desk name plate template.
- Plus Plan
Elephant-Themed Desk Name Plates
Create individualised desk name plates using this editable Elephant-themed desk name plate template.
- Plus Plan
Butterfly-Themed Desk Name Plates
Create individualised desk name plates using this editable Butterfly-themed desk name plate template.
- Plus Plan
Camp-Themed Desk Name Plates
Create individualised nature-inspired Camp-themed desk name plates for your students this school year.
- Plus Plan
Blush Blooms-Themed Editable Desk Name Plates
Create individualised nature-inspired Blush Blooms-themed desk name plates for your students this school year.
- Plus Plan
Four in a Row – Numbers 6–10
Match picture cards with numerals to practise counting to 10.
- Plus Plan
Four in a Row – Numbers 1–5
Match picture cards with numerals to practice counting to 5.
- Plus Plan
Chook, Chook, Chook, Chook - Number Rhyme and Worksheet
A 1 - 10 number rhyme and accompanying worksheet.
- Plus Plan
"Five Currant Buns" - Counting Rhyme Poster
A counting rhyme to use when learning to count to five.
- Plus Plan
I Can Count - Worksheet
A worksheet for students to practise counting up to 10 objects.
- Plus Plan
Number 1 - 30 Egg Flip Game
Numbers 1 - 30 in numerals and words on frying 'eggs' to help students with number recognition.
- Plus Plan
1 to 5 Transport Number Match Cards
A transport themed number activity to use in the classroom when identifying, sequencing and counting numbers from 1 to 5.
- Plus Plan
How Many Candles? - Birthday Cake Counting Activity
A fun birthday cake themed place value activity to help students identify numbers and count small collections.
- Plus Plan
1 to 9 Number Sequencing Sausage Dog Activity and Template
A fun sausage dog themed place value activity to use in the classroom when sequencing numbers from 1 to 9.
- Plus Plan
Dot-to-Dot Drawing - Numbers by 2 - Anchor
Join the dots and numbers to make a picture.
- Plus Plan
Desk Plate Alphabet and Number Line with Pictures - 0-20
Desk plates with the alphabet, pictures and 0-20 number line.
- Plus Plan
Desk Plate Alphabet and Number Line with Pictures - 0-10
Desk plates with the alphabet, pictures and 0-10 number line.
- Plus Plan
Desk Plate Alphabet and Number Line - No Name - 0-20 - Swirls - Mixed Colours
Desk Plates with the alphabet and 0-20 number line.
- Plus Plan
Desk Plate Alphabet and Number Line - No Name - 0-20 - Stars - Mixed Colours
Desk Plates with the alphabet and 0-20 number line.
- Plus Plan
Desk Plate Alphabet and Number Line - No Name - 0-10 - Stars - Mixed Colours
Desk Plates with the alphabet and 0-10 number line.
- Plus Plan
Desk Plate Alphabet and Number Line - No Name - 0-10 - Spots - Mixed Colours
Desk Plates with the alphabet and 0-10 number line.
- Plus Plan
Zero to Thirty Posters
A set of posters showing numbers 0 - 30.
- Plus Plan
Numeracy Songs - "Five Currant Buns" Counting Activity
An activity to use in conjunction with the numeracy song, "Five Currant Buns".
- Plus Plan
Numeracy Songs - "Five Currant Buns" Poster
A poster to use in conjunction with numeracy songs.
- Plus Plan
Maths Activity Ideas for Parents - Place Value
An information sheet for parents or carers to use when assisting children with place value at home.
- Plus Plan
Drawing Numbers Worksheet
A worksheet to consolidate students' understanding of numbers and corresponding values.
- Plus Plan
0-10 Number and Word Match-Up Worksheet
Match 0-10 numbers and words with this simple and easy to use worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Numbers and Words 0-30 with Animal Values
Posters representing the numbers and words from 0-30 with different animals showing their values.
- Plus Plan
Numbers 0-9 with Animal Values
Posters representing the numbers from 0-9 with different animals showing their values.
- Plus Plan
Numbers 0-10 with Stars
Posters representing the numbers from 0-10 with stars showing their values.
- Plus Plan
Maths Resource Pack for Parents - Place Value
A comprehensive resource pack for parents and carers to help Foundation to Year 2 children with place value.
- Plus Plan
Exploring Numbers Unit Plan
This Mathematics unit addresses a range of number concepts involving identifying, sequencing and representing.