Children use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds. They also write some irregular common words. They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible.
- Plus Plan
Br Blend Poster
A poster showing words and pictures for br blends.
- Plus Plan
Cr Blend Poster
A poster showing words and pictures for cr blends.
- Plus Plan
Missing Letter Alphabet Cards
A resource to help students identify the first letter of each word.
- Plus Plan
Train Alphabet Display
The alphabet displayed on a train.
- Plus Plan
Numbers 0 to 20 Handwriting - Worksheet
Activity worksheets to use in the classroom when learning about the numbers 0 to 20.
- Plus Plan
Home Spelling Poster
A poster to show your students what activity to complete each night using their spelling words.
- Plus Plan
Simple Recounts - Writing Scaffold
A simple scaffolding worksheet to use when writing a recount.
- Plus Plan
Reception Magazine - What's Buzzing? (Issue 2)
Issue 2 of our beautifully designed, 16-page reading magazine specifically designed for Reception students.
- Plus Plan
25 Fairy Tale Character Posters
Set of 25 posters featuring the most significant and popular fairy tale characters.
- Plus Plan
My Ideal World – Writing Template
A template for students to use when writing about their ideal world.
- Plus Plan
Number Worksheet - 10
An activity worksheet to use in the classroom when learning about 10.
- Plus Plan
Number Worksheet - 9
An activity worksheet to use in the classroom when learning about 9.
- Plus Plan
Number Worksheet - 8
An activity worksheet to use in the classroom when learning about 8.
- Plus Plan
Kn, Ph & Wr Digraph Flashcards
Seventeen flashcards showing kn, ph and wr digraph words and pictures.
- Plus Plan
Blank Writing Template
A blank template for pieces of writing.
- Plus Plan
Spr & Spl Blend Flashcards
Fourteen flashcards showing spr and spl blend words and pictures.
- Plus Plan
Number Worksheet - 7
An activity worksheet to use in the classroom when learning about 7.
- Plus Plan
Squ Blend Flashcards
Nine flashcards showing squ blend words and pictures.
- Plus Plan
Number Worksheet - 6
An activity worksheet to use in the classroom when learning about 6.
- Plus Plan
Writing Lower Case Letters
Students practice writing the lower case letter next to the provided capital letter.
- Plus Plan
Scr Blend Flashcards
Nine flashcards showing scr blend words and pictures.
- Plus Plan
Number Worksheet - 5
An activity worksheet to use in the classroom when learning about 5.
- Plus Plan
Sw Blend Flashcards
Thirteen flashcards showing sw blend words and pictures.
- Plus Plan
St Blend Flashcards
Fourteen flashcards showing st blend words and pictures.
- Plus Plan
Number Worksheet - 4
An activity worksheet to use in the classroom when learning about 4.
- Plus Plan
Sp Blend Flashcards
Fourteen flashcards showing sp blend words and pictures.
- Plus Plan
Sn Blend Flashcards
Thirteen flashcards showing sn blend words and pictures.
- Plus Plan
Number Worksheet - 3
An activity worksheet to use in the classroom when learning about 3.
- Plus Plan
Number Worksheet - 2
An activity worksheet to use in the classroom when learning about 2.
- Plus Plan
Wh Digraph Flashcards
Ten flashcards showing wh digraph words and pictures.
- Plus Plan
Number Worksheet - 1
An activity worksheet to use in the classroom when learning about 1.
- Plus Plan
Word Families - 'ELL'
Rhyming words for 'ell'.