Children use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds. They also write some irregular common words. They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible.
- Plus Plan
Word Families - 'AT'
Rhyming words for 'at'.
- Plus Plan
Letters Word Wall Template
A colourful letter themed word wall template.
- Plus Plan
Sh Digraph Flashcards
Twenty flashcards showing sh digraph words and pictures.
- Plus Plan
Sl Blend Flashcards
Twelve flashcards showing sl blend words and pictures.
- Plus Plan
Super Sentence Starter Sack
Choose a sentence starter from the Super Sentence Sack to start your students off and writing.
- Plus Plan
Pl Blend Flashcards
Twelve flashcards showing pl blend words and pictures.
- Plus Plan
Gl Blend Flashcards
Nine flashcards showing gl blend words and pictures.
- Plus Plan
Fl Blend Flashcards
Thirteen flashcards showing fl blend words and pictures.
- Plus Plan
Cl Blend Flashcards
Fourteen flashcards showing cl blend words and pictures.
- Plus Plan
Bl Blend Flashcards
Sixteen flashcards showing bl blend words and pictures.
- Plus Plan
Gr Blend Flashcards
Twenty flashcards showing gr blend words and pictures.
- Plus Plan
Sc Blend Flashcards
Fourteen flashcards showing sc blend words and pictures.
- Plus Plan
Br Blend Flashcards
Twenty-six flashcards showing br blend words and pictures.
- Plus Plan
Dr Blend Flashcards
Eighteen flashcards showing dr blend words and pictures.
- Plus Plan
Writing My Name Award Certificate
Award your young students with this certificate when they have mastered the skill of writing their name.
- Plus Plan
Tr Blend Flashcards
Sixteen flashcards showing tr blend words and pictures.
- Plus Plan
Sm Blend Flashcards
Nine flashcards showing sm blend words and pictures.
- Plus Plan
Cr Blend Flashcards
Twenty-three flashcards showing cr blend words and pictures.
- Plus Plan
Punctuation Puppets
A range of different punctuation characters that can be cut out and used as puppets.
- Plus Plan
Sk Blend Flashcards
Fourteen flashcards showing sk blend words and pictures.
- Plus Plan
Editable Vocabulary Flashcards
A flashcard template to be used to develop the vocabulary of emergent writers.
- Plus Plan
My Personal Dictionary Template - Colour
A printable booklet with pictures for students to create their own personal dictionary.
- Plus Plan
My Personal Dictionary Template - Black and White
A printable booklet with pictures for students to create their own personal dictionary.
- Plus Plan
I Am Thinking Of You - Greeting Card and Letter Template
A greeting card and a letter template to let others know that they are in your thoughts.
- Plus Plan
Digraph Worksheet - ee
A worksheet that focus on handwriting and vocabulary activities relating to the digraph ee.
- Plus Plan
I Am Sending You Strength - Greeting Card and Letter Template
A greeting card and a letter template that is ideal to send to those who are experiencing challenging times.
- Plus Plan
I Am Sending You Hugs - Greeting Card and Letter Template
A greeting card and a letter template to make someone's day!
- Plus Plan
Handwriting Sheet - Days of the Week
A handwriting sheets for the days of the week.
- Plus Plan
October Writing Prompts - Lower Primary
20 writing prompts for October with corresponding writing sheets.
- Plus Plan
Vowel Phoneme Posters
A poster showing words and pictures for various vowel blends.
- Plus Plan
CVCC and CCVC Words – Playdough Mats
27 pages of 4-letter words for students to practise writing and forming in playdough.
- Plus Plan
Oi Diphthong Poster
A poster with examples of oi diphthongs