Grade 2
- Plus Plan
3-Digit Place Value Warm-Up - Interactive PowerPoint
An engaging 44-slide interactive PowerPoint to use when learning about place value to 3-digits.
- Plus Plan
Word Of The Week Template
A word of the week template with a variety of tasks to give context and meaning to a word.
- Plus Plan
Types of Graphs Posters
This colorful and easy-to-digest visual display shows students the varying data displays they will encounter in their elementary math lessons.
- Plus Plan
Common Blends and Digraphs Bookmarks
These bookmarks are designed to help students remember some of the most common blends and digraphs while reading.
- Free Plan
Author's Purpose - Sorting Worksheet
A teaching resource to help teach your students about author's purpose.
- Plus Plan
Narrative Writing Checklist (Intermediate Version)
A checklist for students to use when proofreading and editing their narrative writing.
- Plus Plan
Thinking and Relating Verbs Poster
A poster giving the definition and examples for thinking and relating verbs.
- Plus Plan
Reading Detectives Worksheets
8 reading detective worksheets to use during book club or reading group sessions.
- Free Plan
Build a Fact File Template
Get a sense of separating fact from opinion in texts with this graphic organizer.
- Plus Plan
Silent Letters PowerPoint
A 24-slide editable PowerPoint presentation about silent letters.
- Plus Plan
Math Brain Teasers – Grade 2 Word Problems
Challenge your second-grade students to solve these brain teasers with a set of 24 math word problems.
- Plus Plan
Two-Digit Addition Using the Split Strategy – Poster and Worksheets
Teach your students how to use partitioning for two-digit addition with this ice cream-themed poster and worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Story Ideas - Character, Setting, and Complication Cards
Help your students choose a topic to write about with this set of 36 character, setting and compilation task cards.
- Plus Plan
Place Value Spin Activity
Practice identifying the number of 'tens' and 'ones' in two-digit numbers with this fun spin activity.
- Plus Plan
Addition Fact Timed Tests & Trackers
Assess and track addition fact fluency with a printable Math Drill Worksheet pack for addition facts.
- Plus Plan
Contraction Worksheets
Help students learn more about contractions with this contraction worksheet pack.
- Plus Plan
How to Make A Jelly Sandwich - Procedural Writing Craftivity
Teach your students all they need to know about procedural writing by exploring how to make a jelly sandwich!
- Plus Plan
Roll and Read – Sight Word Game Pack
Practice reading sight words with this set of 5 Roll to Read Sight Word Game boards.
- Plus Plan
How to Make a Milkshake – Procedural Writing Worksheet
Explore how to make a milkshake while your students fine-tune their procedural writing skills.
- Plus Plan
Procedural Writing Posters
Display this set of 5 procedural writing anchor charts in your classroom during your procedural writing unit.
- Plus Plan
Procedural Writing Templates – "How to" Prompts
Get your students to write procedural texts with this set of differentiated procedure writing prompt templates.
- Plus Plan
Procedural Writing Graphic Organizers
Get your students to write procedural texts with this set of 10 differentiated graphic organizers.
- Plus Plan
Fraction Robot Template
Build a robot using these fraction shapes for a fun activity to do with your students when learning about unit fractions.
- Plus Plan
Compound Nouns for Kids - Puzzle Pop Game
‘Pop’ in a bit of extra practice with compound words with a fun set of Noun Compound Word Puzzle Pops!
- Plus Plan
Unit Fraction Donut Investigation
Explore unit fractions in this fun donut-themed math investigation for your students.
- Plus Plan
Polar Bear Craft Template
Pair a polar bear craft and informational writing to create a fun winter animals bulletin board.
- Plus Plan
What Does the Clock Say? - Telling Time Game
Solve the math riddles to find the clocks that show the correct time with a fun Time to 5 Minute Telling Time Game.
- Plus Plan
A.M. or P.M.? 2nd Grade Time Game
Differentiate between events that occur in A.M. and P.M. times with an interactive self-checking digital learning game.
- Plus Plan
Coordinating Conjunction Word Mat
Boost your students’ writing skills by giving them access to this coordinating conjunctions word mat during language arts lessons.
- Plus Plan
Nonfiction Text Features Cut and Paste Worksheets
Use this text features matching worksheet when exploring the features of nonfiction texts with your students.
- Plus Plan
Making Inferences Worksheet Pack
Guide your students to read between the lines with this making inferences worksheet pack.
- Plus Plan
Vowel Teams Sort OA, OW, and OE
Decode words with "oa", "oe", or "ow" long "o" vowel teams using 18 picture cards with sorting mats.