Grade 2
- Plus Plan
Making Inferences Worksheet Pack
Guide your students to read between the lines with this making inferences worksheet pack.
- Plus Plan
Vowel Teams Sort OA, OW, and OE
Decode words with "oa", "oe", or "ow" long "o" vowel teams using 18 picture cards with sorting mats.
- Plus Plan
Vowel Teams Sort EE, EA, and EY
Decode words with EE, EA, or EY long "e" vowel teams using 18 picture cards with sorting mats.
- Plus Plan
Match the Arrays Worksheet Pack
Give your students practice matching arrays and multiplication facts with these math worksheets for 2nd and 3rd grade.
- Plus Plan
Thanksgiving Color By Number Worksheet - 2nd Grade Place Value
Have some Thanksgiving Math fun with a printable Thanksgiving Color By Number worksheet to practice standard, expanded, word, and base ten forms.
- Plus Plan
FIND IT! Consonant Digraphs Board Game
Practice decoding words that include 4 examples of consonant digraphs with our digraph flashcards and board game set.
- Plus Plan
Multiplication With Arrays Task Cards
Practice multiplication with arrays using this set of 20 task cards in a variety of ways.
- Plus Plan
Decomposing 3-Digit Numbers Matching Activity
Help children decompose 3-digit numbers by identifying the place value of hundreds, tens, and ones with this matching activity.
- Plus Plan
3-Digit Place Value Mini-Book
Explore place value in 3-digit numbers with this place value mini-book.
- Plus Plan
Writing Numbers in Expanded Form Interactive Activity
Help students master reading and writing numbers up to 6 digits with this expanded form interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
2-Digit and 3-Digit Expanded Form Interactive Activity
Use this interactive activity with your students to practice expanded form through to the hundreds place.
- Free Plan
Halloween Spelling Practice Worksheets
Practice weekly spelling words with a spooktacular Halloween twist with a set of printable Halloween spelling worksheets.
- Free Plan
Caterpillar Ordering Numbers Worksheet - Dot Day Math Activity
Practice number sequencing and add to your collection of Dot Day activities with a printable caterpillar number-ordering worksheet.
- Plus Plan
2nd Grade Odd or Even Sorting Game (Coins)
Help your students practice their knowledge of odd and even numbers with this fun coin sorting activity.
- Plus Plan
OREO® Opinion Writing Poster
Help students remember the structure of opinion texts with this fun OREO® acronym.
- Plus Plan
Shape Worksheet Sets (Kindergarten to 6th Grade Level)
Use these leveled worksheets sets with your elementary school students to explore 2D shapes and 3D shapes!
- Free Plan
2nd Grade Odds and Evens Animal Racing Game
Play this fun animal racing came to quickly practice odd and even number recall.
- Plus Plan
2nd Grade Odd and Even Boats Craft Activity
Create a boat-themed odd and even craft display all while showing an understanding of odd and even numbers.
- Free Plan
2nd Grade 'I Spy' Odd and Even Number Worksheet
Practice determining odd and even numbers of objects with this fun scavenger hunt worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Number Talks - Double Digit Addition Task Cards
Build number sense skills with this set of 24 task cards.
- Plus Plan
Hundreds Chart Strategy Addition Worksheet Pack
Practice using the hundreds chart strategy to solve addition problems with this worksheet set.
- Plus Plan
Addition within 20 Interactive Resource
Practice solving one-digit and two-digit addition problems using a variety of addition strategies with this interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Jump Strategy Addition Mini Book
Use this mini-book to help your students learn how to use the jump strategy to solve two-digit addition problems.
- Free Plan
Break Apart Strategy Worksheet
Practice using the break apart strategy when adding two-digit numbers with this worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Adding within 100 Strip Diagram Task Cards
Practice using the strip diagram to add numbers within 100 with this set of task cards.
- Plus Plan
Character Profile - Graphic Organizers
Explore the internal and external traits of story characters with a set of differentiated graphic organizers.
- Plus Plan
Addition Within 100 Strip Diagram - Interactive Mystery Picture
Take a deep dive into using the strip diagram for addition within 100 with this fun mystery reveal interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Multi-Step Addition and Subtraction Word Problem Task Cards
Solve multi-step addition and subtraction word problems with a set of printable math task cards.
- Plus Plan
Number Talks - Making Ten Task Cards
Build number sense skills with this set of 20 task cards.
- Plus Plan
Finding the Main Idea in a Literary Text Worksheet
Find the main idea and supporting story clues of a literary text passage and answer the premise comprehension questions.
- Free Plan
Synonym and Antonym Crossword Puzzle
Review vocabulary skills and boost your students’ knowledge of synonyms and antonyms with a crossword puzzle worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Addition and Subtraction Fact Families Teaching Presentation
Use this 19-slide editable slide deck when introducing addition and subtraction fact families to your students.