TEKS Math 1
- Plus Plan
Counting to 20 Cut and Paste Worksheet
Count objects within 20 and match the total to its written number on this 2-page cut-and-paste worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Time to the Hour and Half Hour - Math Mazes
Engage your students with exciting telling time practice activities with a set of printable Time to the Hour and Half Hour Math Mazes.
- Plus Plan
Ice Cream Counting Game
Help students practice their knowledge of counting numbers 1-20 with this fun ice cream matching game.
- Plus Plan
Telling Time Task Cards - Hour & Half-Hour
Practice telling time to the hour and half hour with a set of printable Telling Time Task Cards.
- Plus Plan
Combinations of 10 and 20 Posters
Easily recognize combinations of 10 and combinations of 20 with this visual poster set.
- Plus Plan
Clock Reading Puzzles- Half-Hour
Practice reading analog clocks, digital clocks, and time in word form with a set of printable Telling Time to the Hour and Half Hour Clock Puzzles.
- Plus Plan
Time to the Hour and Half-Hour - Digital Learning Activity
Read different clock faces to tell time to the nearest hour and half hour with a digital learning activity for first grade.
- Plus Plan
1st Grade Telling Time Game - Mystery Reveal
Practice telling time to the hour and half-hour with an interactive Telling Time Game for first grade.
- Plus Plan
What Time Is It? Telling Time Playdough Mats
Use playdough to practice telling time to the hour and half hour with printable playdough mats for kindergarten.
- Plus Plan
Telling Time to the Hour and Half Hour Teaching Slides
Teach your first graders how to tell time to the hour and half hour with an interactive teaching slide deck.
- Plus Plan
What Can You Do? 1st Grade Time Printables
Help your students understand time increments with a pair of cut-and-paste math worksheets for first grade.
- Plus Plan
Estimate the Time - Math Worksheets for 1st Grade
Help your students understand and estimate time in seconds and minutes with a trio of Time Estimation worksheets for first grade.
- Plus Plan
Telling Time Story Problem Comprehension Pack
Practice reading comprehension and telling time skills with a printable pack of Telling Time Math Story Worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Tarsia Puzzle - Telling Time for 1st Grade
Solve the tarsia puzzle and practice matching digital times with their corresponding word forms.
- Plus Plan
Telling the Time Poster
Help your students learn to tell the time to the hour, half-hour, quarter, and minute with a printable Telling the Time anchor chart PDF.
- Plus Plan
Telling Time Bingo - Hour and Half-hour
Use this set of 30 Bingo cards to practice telling time to the hour and half-hour.
- Plus Plan
Digital Clock Template
Print an interactive digital clock template to practice telling time during daily classroom calendar lessons.
- Plus Plan
Time to the Hour and Half Hour Match-Up
Match cards with three different representations of time to practice reading clocks and time in their written form.
- Plus Plan
3-Digit Number Form Sorting Activity
Engage with different forms of 3-digit numbers with this sorting activity.
- Plus Plan
3-Digit Interactive Clip Cards
Practice knowledge of 3-Digit numbers with this interactive clip card resource.
- Plus Plan
Christmas Color By Number - One More or Less
Practice finding numbers that are one more and one less than with a printable Christmas color-by-number worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Missing Numbers in Expanded Form Worksheet
Practice converting double digit numbers into their expanded form with this easy to use student worksheet.
- Plus Plan
2-Digit in Expanded Form Interactive Activity
Engage students in showing their knowledge of converting double digit numbers into their expanded form with this interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Reading and Writing Double Digit Numbers Interactive Activity
Get students practicing their knowledge of converting standard form numbers to expanded form with this engaging interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Matching Expanded and Standard 2-Digit Number Cards
Explore double digit numbers in standard and expanded form with this sorting activity for your math groups.
- Plus Plan
Reading and Writing Double Digit Numbers Flipbook
Engage students in learning to read and write double digit numbers with this flipbook.
- Plus Plan
Two-Digit Expanded Form Race-Themed Worksheet
Race through identifying the standard form of 2-digit numbers in expanded form with this fun race-themed worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Comparing Numbers Christmas Game
Have some Christmas math fun with an interactive, self-checking comparing numbers game.
- Plus Plan
One More, One Less - Thanksgiving Math Worksheet
Help your students practice finding one more and one less than a number with a printable Thanksgiving One More, One Less worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Thanksgiving Turkey Hide! - Place Value Worksheet
Save the Thanksgiving Turkeys and practice modeling numbers in base ten with a printable Thanksgiving Math Worksheet
- Free Plan
Christmas Math Worksheets - Sums to 12 Activity
Practice finding number bonds and sums to 12 using printable Christmas Math worksheets for first grade.
- Plus Plan
Thanksgiving Color-By-Number for Kindergarten - Counting
Count sets of objects up to ten with a printable Thanksgiving Color by Number Worksheet for Kindergarten.