TEKS Math 1
- Plus Plan
Doubles Minus One - Worksheet
Practice the doubles minus one addition strategy with this one-page worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Doubles Minus 1 - Game Boards
30 game boards to use when practicing the doubles minus one strategy with single and double-digit numbers.
- Plus Plan
American Currency Posters - Coins
Use these money posters to teach your students about coin recognition and value.
- Plus Plan
Counting 1-12 Number Game
Practice counting from 1-12 with this fun alien-themed counting game.
- Plus Plan
I Have, Who Has? Game - Place Value (3-Digit Numbers)
Play an exciting I Have, Who Has? Place Value Game to help your students practice their skills with reading and writing three-digit numbers.
- Plus Plan
Skip Counting Puzzles
Practice skip counting and identifying multiples of numbers with printable skip counting puzzles for kids.
- Plus Plan
I Have, Who Has? - Place Value Games for 1st Graders (2-Digits)
Reinforce your students understanding of 2-digit Place Value concepts with printable Place Value Games for 1st graders.
- Plus Plan
Math Maze for Kindergarten Worksheet Set (Ordering Numbers to 20)
Share this math maze for kindergarten worksheet set with your students to give them practice ordering numbers from least to greatest.
- Plus Plan
Missing Number Hunt Activity (Ordering Numbers)
Use our number hunt activity to take your students on a hunt for missing numbers up to 120.
- Plus Plan
Ordering Numbers Cut-and-Paste Worksheets
Give students our ordering numbers cut and paste worksheets for a fun way to practice ordering numbers 1 through 100.
- Plus Plan
Ordering Numbers Kindergarten and 1st Grade Activity
Share this ordering numbers kindergarten and 1st grade activity with your students to give them practice ordering numbers 0 to 20 or 0 to 120.
- Plus Plan
Ordering 2-Digit Numbers Interactive Task Cards
Download our Ordering 2-Digit Numbers Interactive Task Cards for an engaging way to practice ordering numbers up to 120.
- Plus Plan
Ordering Two-Digit Numbers Task Cards (Numbers 1 - 120)
Utilize these Ordering Two-Digit Numbers Task Cards in a unit on comparing and ordering numbers to 120.
- Free Plan
Order Numbers From Least to Greatest Task Cards (Numbers 1 - 20)
Order numbers from least to greatest with these task cards for numbers 1 - 20.
- Plus Plan
Subitizing Bingo Games (Numbers 1 - 10)
Play these subitizing bingo games in your small groups to give your students practice subitizing numbers up to 10.
- Plus Plan
Subitizing Worksheets
Utilize these subitizing worksheets to help your students learn many ways to subitize to 10.
- Plus Plan
Subitizing to 10 Teaching Slides
Display our Subitizing to 10 Teaching Slides to encourage mathematical discussions in your classroom.
- Plus Plan
Subitizing to 10 Interactive Task Cards
Practice subitizing to 10 with these varied and engaging interactive task cards.
- Plus Plan
Subitizing Dice - Numbers 1 to 9
Practice subitizing to 9 with your students using this versatile set of dice flashcards.
- Plus Plan
Subitizing Numbers to 10 - Worksheet
Practice subitizing numbers to 10 with your students using this printable worksheet set.
- Plus Plan
Subitizing Small Collections Teaching Slides
Teach your students to subitize with this editable set of Google teaching slides.
- Plus Plan
Number Ordering Puzzles - Cut and Paste
Help students order numbers up to 20 with a set of 8 cut-and-paste number ordering puzzles.
- Plus Plan
1st Grade Measurement Test
Assess your first graders’ skills with measuring length using a printable 1st Grade Measuring Length Test.
- Plus Plan
Building 2-Digit Numbers Dice Game
Teach your students about place value in two-digit numbers with this engaging dice game featuring Base 10 blocks.
- Plus Plan
Spend and Save – Money Board Game
Use this money board game to introduce your students to the concept of money management.
- Plus Plan
Measurement Math Center - Standard & Nonstandard Units
Create an easily differentiated measurement math center with a printable measurement task cards.
- Plus Plan
Non-Standard Measurement Task - The Longest Finger
Explore informal measurement with a printable nonstandard measurement inquiry task.
- Plus Plan
Measuring With Nonstandard Units Scavenger Hunt
Explore non-standard measurement and engage your students with an exciting Informal Measurement Scavenger Hunt!
- Plus Plan
Measuring at the Movies – Informal Units Interactive
Practice measuring with informal units with an exciting movie-themed interactive drag-and-drop activity.
- Plus Plan
Friends of 10 Addition Poster Bundle
Print the ultimate Friends of 10 poster bundle with 10 printable classroom posters designed to show students how different combinations of numbers connect to make the same number.
- Plus Plan
Marine Measuring With Nonstandard Units Interactive
Dive into measurement with informal units using an engaging ocean-themed interactive measurement activity.
- Plus Plan
Counting to 20 Match-Up Cards
Count objects up to 20 with our match-up card game.